Chemical Engineering Laws & Ethics Flashcards
Clean Air Act of the Philippines of 1999
RA 8981
RA 9297
RA 8749
RA 1655
RA 8749
Toxic Substances & Hazardous and Nuclear and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990
RA 8981
RA 9297
RA 6969
RA 1655
RA 6969
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
RA 9003
decree on Pollution Control used issued on 1976 (Pollution Control Act)
PD 1586
PD 984
PD 856
PD 223
PD 984
Act to provide standards for food and drugs and to provide violations of the same
RA 1655
act creating patent office; regulating issuance of patents and appropriate funds therefore
RA 165
act to provide for registration and protection of trademarks, tradenames, and service management
RA 165
RA 1655
RA 166
RA 8981
RA 166
Establishment of Environmental Impact Statement and other envi related issues
PD 1586
PD 984
PD 856
PD 223
PRC Modernization Act of 2000
RA 8981
fixing of the maximum selling price of essential articles or commodities
RA 6124
act prescribing incentives and guarantees investment in the H creating BOARD OF INVESTMENT
RA 5186
The Chemical Engineering Law of 2004 (MAY 13, 2004)
RA 9297
RA 9297
The Chemical Engineering Law of 2004 (MAY 13, 2004)
Code on sanitation of the Philippines
PD 1586
PD 984
PD 856
PD 223
PD 856
Integrate, coordinate, and intensify scientific and technological research and development
RA 2067
Intellectually property code (January 1, 1998)
RA 8293
Act to invigorate economic growth by grabbing certain incentives and exemptions
RA 6136
Presidential decree creating PC and pres. its powers and functions
PD 223
Water code of the Philippines
PD 1067
PD 856
Code on sanitation of the Philippines
PD 1067
Water code of the Philippines
RA 1655
Act to provide standards for food and drugs and to provide violations of the same
RA 8749
Clean Air Act of the Philippines of 1999
collective recognition by members of profession of its responsibilities
juridical necessity to give, to do, or not to do
meeting of minds between two persons
keystone of professional conduct
first president of PICHE
Jose Espinosa
years requirement managerial/ executive experience PRC commissioner
10 years
days must complete checking of exam results
20 days
mark used in sales and advertising of services of 1 person and distinguish them from
service mark