Chem/Phys Exam 3 Flashcards
- no definite shape or volume; conforms to container; fills contain; flows; is easily compressible and expandable
- gases that do not react chemically form homogenous mixtures
- molecules high kinetic energy, large distances, do not interact with each other or container
- ideal gas has NO intermolecular forces
- easily compressible and expandable
- definite volume. Conforms to shape of container; flows; NOT compressible
- molecular distance small, medium kinetic energy; inter-molecular forces hold condensed state but allow molecules to slide against each other
- RESIST compression*
Remember: both gases and liquids are _________
Meyer-Overton Hypothesis
- The potency of a compound to induce general anesthesia is directly related to the compounds lipid solubility
- lipid solubility can be equated to the olive oil: water coefficient
Meyer-Overton Hypothesis:
High partition coefficient
-higher partition coefficient, higher solubility, higher partitioning into compartment (blood, muscle fat)
Low solubility Agents
- Higher MAC to produce anesthesia (Des MAC=6%, N2O MAC= 105%)
- Rapid onset and rapid recovery
Higher Solubility Agents
- Lower MAC to produce anesthesia (Halothane MAC= .74%, Methoxyflurance MAC 0.15%)
- slower onset and rapid recovery
Isoflurane: MAC in Oxygen, Oil:Gas (FAT) coefficient, Blood:Gas Coefficient
MAC in Oxygen= 1.15%
Oil: Gas (FAT)= 91
Blood:Gas= 1.4
Sevoflurane MAC, Oil:Gas (FAT), Blood:Gas
MAC= 2%
Oil:Gas (FAT)= 50
Blood:Gas= .66
MAC= 6% Oil:Gas= 18.7 (low) Blood:Gas= .42
Nitrous Oxide
MAC= 105%
Oil:Gas (FAT)= 1.3
Blood:Gas= .47
Saturated Vapor Pressure (SVP)
-the pressure in the vapor phase when it is in equilibrium with its liquid phase
The SVP of a substance (anesthetic agent) at a specified T is the partial pressure of the substance in the vapor phase that is what?
-In equilibrium with its liquid (or solid) phase
SVP for a given substance depends ONLY on
-at a higher T, more molecules will be present int he gas phase at equilibrium and the vapor pressure and SVP will both be higher
SVP is a _______________ of the substance.
SVP does NOT change in different ____________.
- SVP is a characteristic of the substance*
- The SVP does NOT change in different environments (ATM pressures or temperatures)
SVP of water is a function of _______________
- Temperature
- As the temperature increases, more water is in the vapor form (humidity)
Relative Humidity
-Amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount the air could hold (SVP) at that temperature
Summer Humidity
Higher=lots of moisture in the air, vapor pressure is higher
Winter Humidity
Lower= drier air= vapor pressure is lower
Low humidity makes us feel?
Up to 5-7 degrees cooler than air temp
High humidity makes us feel?
5-7 degrees hotter than air temp
Humans are comfortable with a relative humidity at about 45%
SVP effects on Anesthesia
-Inspired air is saturated with water vapor as it passes through trachea and bronchi
RA= 10mmHg
Larynx= 26-32 mmHg
Bronchi= 47 mmHg
SVP water at 37 degrees C is ________ mmHg
47 mmHg
Oxygen calculations: increasing humidity _____________ FIO2
Dry Air (IC, IA)
O2= 21% of 760= PO2= 159 mmHg
Moist Air (IC, IA)
21% of (760- 47 (vapor pressure)) mmHg= PO2= 149 mmHg
SVP does NOT depend on what 4 things?
- SVP does NOT depend on the amount of liquid present as long as there is liquid present
- SVP does NOT depend on the amount (volume) of vapor present in the vapor phase
- SVP does NOT depend on surface area
- SVP does NOT depend on the presence of other gases
As surface area increases, what happens to the rate of vaporization?
- Rate of vaporization increases so equilibrium is reached sooner
- but the rate of condensation also increases so the SVP remains the same
Each gas exerts the pressure it would as if they were the only gases occupying the volume— similar to whose law?
Daltons Law: all SVP have to add up to 760 mmHg
Boiling Point
-At the boiling point, evaporation occurs throughout the liquid. -Gas molecules within the liquid form bubbles that rise to the surface
At the boiling point, the vapor pressure of the liquid equals ________________
Ambient pressure
At the boiling point, pressure inside the bubbles that form is sufficient to prevent them from _____________
At the boiling point, Temperature does NOT ___________ with added heat
Added heat causes change of state (liquid to gas)
The boiling point of water at 760 mmHg is ____________
- 100 degrees Celsius
- The vapor pressure of water reaches 760 mmHg (1 atm) at 100 degrees celsius
- At high altitude (Denver) atmospheric pressure is 635 mmHg and water boils at 95 degrees celsius (be careful when cooking food here)
At the boiling point of a liquid (3)
- Evaporation occurs throughout the liquid, not just at the surface
- Vapor pressure- ambient pressure
- T does NOT increase when additional heat is added
Latent Heat of Vaporization
The amount of heat required to convert 1 gram of liquid into 1 gram of vapor at a given T
-the heat of vaporization requires energy that must be absorbed from the surroundings
Hvap H2O at 100 degrees C:
540 cal/gram (boiling) needed to convert from water to vapor
Hvap H2O at 37 degrees
576 cal/gram needed to convert water to vapor
Hvap H2O at 20 degree C:
585 cal/gram to convert water to vapor
Vapor pressure is inversely related to _______________
Boiling point
Isoflurane Vapor Pressure at 20 C and boiling point:
- 238 mmHg
2. 48 C
Diethyl Ether vapor pressure and boiling point
- 442 mmHg
2. 35 C
Desflurane Vapor Pressure at 20 degree C and boiling point:
- 670 mmHg
- 23 C
* ** problematic because our OR rooms can get to (73 F)
Autoclaves- Sterilization
- Decreased Atm, water boils at lower temp, food cooks slow
- Increased pressure, water boils at a higher temp, food cooks faster
- Autoclaves increase pressure and water boils at a higher temp
- Under pressure, steam at 100 C has 7X the heat of water at 100 degree C
- The higher heat steam under pressure kills organisms
Gas-Liquid Phase Changes:
To condense a gas into a liquid (2)
- Lower the temperature- decreases the vapor pressure and pressure-temperature combination is NOT above the boiling point
- Increase the ambient pressure- VP is no longer above ambient and P-T combination is below the boiling point
Gas-Liquid phase changes:
To convert a liquid to a gas (2)
- Increase the temperature- increases the vapor pressure and pressure-temperature combination IS above the boiling point
- Decrease the ambient pressure- VP is above ambient and P-T combination IS above the boiling point (vaporize)
Phase changes:
As you __________ the temperature, you will take water from solid to liquid to gas
Phase Changes:
By ____________ pressure on water, you can convert a gas to a liquid, or a gas to a solid
Gas phase changes:
As you increase _________, CO2 freezes at a lower temperature because of increased _____________
Pressure, pressure
Triple Point
All 3 phases exist in equilibrium: solid, gas, liquid
Critical Point
- Liquid and gas phases cannot be distinguished
- Temperature is critical Temperature, Pressure is critical pressure
- Above critical temp, no matter how much pressure is applied, substance will only exist as a GAS. IT CANNOT BE LIQUID
- Critical pressure is the pressure needed to FORCE a gas into a liquid state at the critical temperature