Chem Chapter 11 Flashcards
Equilibrium of a liquid and its vapor
For every molecule that goes from liquid to gas, another molecule will go from gas to liquid
Rate of evaporation = rate of condensation
Equilibrium in a solid /dissolved system
Every molecule that leaves the crystal and dissolves, one that is dissolved hits the crystal and returns to solid form
Equilibrium in a chemical rx
For every molecule that goes from reactant to product, a molecule goes from product to reactant
Rate of forward rx = rate of reverse rx
When you reach an equilibrium, you have a constancy of
Macroscopic properties
Equilibrium is
A dynamic system
Opposite of dynamic
An equilibrium can only occur in a
If anything is leaving or entering the equilibrium, it is an
Le Chateliers Principle
An equilibrium system is subject to a change, the processes will occur that tend to partially counteract the imposed change
Law of chemical equilibrium
When a chemical equilibrium exists, a simple relationship will exist between [products] and [reactants] equal to the multiplication product of the products divided by the multiplication product of the reactants, all will be raised to the power equal to the coefficients
Law of Entropy
All things tend towards the greatest disorder
Steady state
Looks like an equilibrium but is an open system
How can you tell a system has reached equilibrium
Constancy of macroscopic properties
What are constancy of macroscopic properties
Easily measured and unchanged
What does dynamic mean
Moving/ reacting