CHEM 2081 Exam 1 Flashcards
M-H Stretch Range
(M: N, O, C)
2800-3600 (cm-1)
M=C Stretch Range
(M: O, C)
1450-1780 (cm-1)
IR Nitrile/Alkyne Stretch Range
2100-2260 (cm-1)
IR Fingerprint Region
1500 cm-1 and lower, contains C=C, C-C, and C-O stretches, as well as bond bends
Mass Spec. Parent Peak
Furthest substantial peak to the right in a mass spectroscopy spectrum
Mass Spec. Base Peak
Tallest peak in a mass spectroscopy spectrum
Mass Spectrometry M+1 vs. M+2 Peaks
Isotopic peaks appear depending on natural abundance of heavy isotopes (e.g., Cl will have its M+ peak (35) and an M+2 peak (37) in a 3:1 ratio (75% : 25%))
Each peak correlates to just one unique carbon (can represent multiple), no splitting
1H NMR Integration
Value of area under the curve is proportional to the number of atoms represented
Long Range NMR Coupling
Occurs when protons are separated by 3 bonds or more, exhibit weak coupling through a pi bond system
Amine/Amide IR Stretches
Directly related to quantity of H atoms (e.g., 2 H atoms attached will lead to 2 IR peaks)