Checkup 1 Flashcards
Every state has a written _________.
Every state has a ____________ lawmaking body and a _________ both elected by popular vote.
representative; governor
Only __________ has a unicameral legislature.
Only _________________ has a legal system based on _______ law rather on English common law.
Louisiana; Roman
In the original states, the __________ branch had more power than the ________ branch.
legislative; executive
The _________ ____________ is less detailed and rigid than ________ ____________.
federal Constitution; state constitutions
An ________ is always ratified by popular ___________.
amendment; referendum
Representation in lower houses is based on ________ or on counties or districts; representation in the upper houses is based on counties or senatorial ___________.
towns; districts
Powers of state _________ include those not granted to the executive or judicial branches or _______ governments and those not denied to it by the ______________.
legislatures; local; Constitution.
__________ courts handle cases involving the state constitution, state laws, and interstate matters, violations of federal law, or intrastate matters on an appellate basis.
__________ and _______________ governments are both classified as ________ governments.
County; municipal; local
A body of ______________ or __________ administers county government.
commissioners; supervisors
Police and fire protection are two major responsibilities of _______ governments.
__________ governments have, for the most part, taken over responsibility for road construction and maintenance and the operation of school systems.
In some areas, one large _________ has been formed by merging towns, cities, and counties.
to bring before a court of law to answer an indictment
system of government by groups of officials
law enacted by a legislative body