What is Calibrated Airspeed (CAS)?
Indicated airspeed (IAS) corrected for position and instrument error. It is equal to true airspeed in standard atmosphere at Sea Level.
What is “Max Continuous Power?
Full forward-everything we have
Who is the Director of Ops at Miller Aviation?
Scott Nicola
Who is the Chief Pilot at Miller Aviation
Scott Nicola
Part 61 (FAR)…when must the FAA be notified of a DUI arrest?
60 days after conviction
What does Accelerate Stop Distance mean?
The distance required to accelerate to 92 (Vr), abort, then come to a stop.
What does Accelerate Go Distance mean?
The distance required to clear a 50-foot obstacle, after losing an engine at 92 (Vr) and you have already rotated.
What is the standard Takeoff minimums.
1 mile
Do we have lower than standard takeoff minimums? What is the rule?
If we have an approved IFR approach appropriate for the winds favoring our departure…we can use the minimums of that approach as our takeoff minimums (even though they maybe lower than 1 mile).
Can you cancel IFR in the air or can you depart without an IFR clearance?
What is our circling minimums?
450 feet agl & 1 sm
How offen do we need to perform a VOR check?
30 days
+/- 4 degrees
If VOR check is not current, can I depart 135?
Yes, but not with VOR as primary navigation source.
What is max time between Transponder checks?
No more than 24 months
What is the max time before Pitot Static Check?
24 months
How often must the airplanes be weighed?
36 months
How often is the emergency equipment inspected?
30 days
Can we depart into freezing rain?
It’s a “No go” item
2 things to be concerned about when transporting batteries?
Shorting out
Hazmat…are we Will Carry or Will Not Carry?
Will Carry
Can you continue an IFR APPROACH if the weather drops below minimums?
INSIDE FAF - YES, u can continue
What 4 things must you have at a Class G airport to do an IFR approach?
1) Automated WX
2) Pilot activated lighting
3) An approved IFR approach
4) Two way radio communication
At what point on arrival at Class G airspace should the crew announce inbound landing?
OP Specs says 5 miles, but 10 is better for the speed of the 310?
What causes anti-ice fluids to fail?
Delusion via precip (rain or snow)?
Does deice or anti-ice provide any protection once airborne?
Automotive antifreeze can be used for de-icing the aircraft?
If necessary to fly an IFR approach, when obtaining the airport WX, it must include “WHAT SPECIFIC INFORMATION” for you to initiate the approach?
What paperwork must be onboard the aircraft before you depart?
1) Airworthiness & Registration Certificates
2) POH
4) MEL..MX requirement & dates
5) W&B
What is the 5 minute check?
When you are #1 for departure, a visual inspection from the cockpit should be made to ensure that wing surfaces continue to be free of any frost, ice, or snow contamination.
If contamination is detected, abort departure and return to the ramp to reassess.
What WX information should a pilot review before a flight?
1) WX reports - METAR, TAF
2) WX charts
3) Prog charts (significant WX)
4) Pilot Reports
5) Sigments & Airmets
6) Notams
What does the Emergency Field Switch do?
If battery fails it will supply power (excites) the alternators.
On ground - clear for takeoff
In air - clear to land
On ground - clear Taxi
In air - return for landing followed by steady green
Alternating Red & Green?
On ground - Exercise extreme caution
In air - Exercise extreme caution