Checklists Flashcards
Before Start
Passenger Briefing - Complete
Parking Brake - Set
Seats - Adjust and locked
Belts and Harnesses - Adjust and secured
Cabin Door - Closed and Latched
Aircraft Lights - As Required
Emergency Battery Switch - Arm
Landing gear handle - Down
Magneto Switches - On
E Volts - Greater than 23.3
Battery Master - On
Alternators - On
Gear Position Indication - 3 Green
After Engine Start
Fuel Selectors - Crossfeed Environmental Controls - As Required Mixtures - Lean Avionics Master - On Engine Instruments - Check ALTR AMPS - Check Positive VOLTS - Check Fuel Pumps - Off Fuel Selectors - On Autopilot - Self-Test Complete
Before Taxi
MFD - Check Databases Fuel Totalizer - Set Annunciators - Test Avionics - Set Altimeters - Set Takeoff Briefing - Complete
Altitude & Heading Bugs - Check/Set Transponder - Check/Set RECOG Lights - On Brakes - Release & Check Flight Instruments - Check
Parking Brake - Set Circuit Breakers - Check Mixtures - Rich Throttles - 1500 RPM Propellers - Check Feather Throttles - 2000 RPM Magnetos - Check Messages & Annunciators - Consider Engine Instruments - Check Propellers - Exercise Carburator Heat - Check Throttles - Idle/1000 RPM Fuel Selectors - On Trims - Set for Takeoff Flaps - Set Mixtures - Re-Adjust for Taxi Friction Handle - Set Parking Brake - Release
Before Takeoff
Cabin Doors & Windows - Closed/Latched Aircraft Lights - As Required Pitot Heat - As Required Mixtures - Set Fuel Pumps - On
Landing Gear - Up
Climb Power - Set
Mixtures - Set
Fuel Pumps - off Cruise Power - Set Mixtures - Set Pitot Heat - As Required Aircraft Lights - As Required Cowl Flaps - As Required
Seats & Seat Belts - Upright and Secure Avionics - Set Altimeters - Set Engine Instruments - Check Aircraft Lights - As Required Pitot Heat - As Required Mixtures - Set Descent Power - Set Fuel Pumps - On Carburetor Heat Controls - As Required
Before Landing
Fuel Pumps - On
Landing Gear - Down & Locked
Propellers - 2500 RPM
Mixtures - Set
Final Check
Gear - Down, 3 green
Propellers - High RPM
Flaps - Set ___ degrees
Approach - Stabilized
After Landing
Environmental Controls - As Required Aircraft Lights - As Required Pitot Heat - Off Mixtures - Lean Fuel Pumps - Off Cowl Flaps - As Required Flaps - Up Trims - Set for Takeoff
Environmental Controls - Off Avionics Master - Off Throttles - Idle Mixtures - Idle/Cut-Off Magneto Switches - Off Emergency Battery - Off All Switches - Off
Engine Failure Below Vr (Takeoff Aborted)
Throttles - Idle
Brakes - As Required
Engines - Shutdown if Necessary
Engine Failure Above Vr (Takeoff Aborted)
Pitch Attitude - Lower Directional Control - Maintain Throttles - As Required Airspeed - 88 KIAS Landing Gear Down - Land Straight Ahead Engines - Shutdown if Necessary
Engine Failure Above Vr (Takeoff Continued)
Directional Control - Maintain Mixtures - Full Forward Propellers - Full Forward Throttles - Full Forward Fuel Selectors - On Flaps - Retracted Landing Gear - Check Up Fuel Pumps - On Inoperative Engine - Identify & Verify Throttle (Inoperative Engine) - Close Propeller (Inoperative Engine) - Feather Mixture (Inoperative Engine) - Cut-Off Establish Bank - 2 to 3 degrees Airspeed - 88 KIAS
Engine Securing Procedure
Throttle (Inoperative Engine) - Verify then Close
Propeller (Inoperative Engine) - Feather
Mixture (Inoperative Engine) - Cut-Off
Engine Failure During Flight (Above Vmca)
Inoperative Engine - Identify and Verify
Operative Engine - Adjust Power as Required
Airspeed - Maintain at Least 88 KIAS
Engine Failure During Flight (Below Vmca)
Rudder - Apply Against Yaw
Throttles - Retard
Pitch Attitude - Lower Nose to Accelerate Above Vmca
One Engine Inoperative Landing
Inoperative Engine - Engine Secured
Seat Belts/Harness - Secure
Fuel Selector (Operative Engine) - On
Mixture (Operative Engine) - Rich
Propeller Control (Operative Engine) - Full Forward
Fuel Pump (Operative Engine) - On
Cowl Flap (Operative Engine) - As Required
Altitude and Airspeed - Make Normal Approach
Final Descent to Land - Landing Gear Down and Locked
Final Check
Landing Gear - Down/3 Green
Propellers - High RPM
Flaps - Set ____ degrees
Approach - Stabilized
Engine Fire During Start
Mixture - Cut-off
Throttle - Full Open
Starter - Continue Cranking
If engine has already started and is running continue operating to try pulling the fire into the engine
If fire continues: Fuel Selectors - Off Fuel Pumps - Off Mixtures - Cut-off Throttles - Full Open External Fire Extinguisher - Use Airplane - Evacuate
Engine Fire during Flight
Fuel Selector (Affected Engine) - Off Throttle (Affected Engine) - Close Propeller (Affected Engine) - Feather Mixture (Affected Engine) - Cut-Off Cowl Flap (Affected Engine) - Open
Electrical Fire
Emergency Battery - Verify Arm Battery Master - Off Alternators - Off Vents - Close (to avoid drafts) Cabin Heat - Off
If fire persists
Fire Extinguisher - Activate
Spin Recovery
Throttles - close
Rudder - Full opposite to the Direction of Spin
Control Wheel - Full Forward
Ailerons - Neutral
Rudder - Neutral When Rotation Stops
Control Wheel - Smooth Back Pressure to Recover
Throttle - As Required
Propeller Overspeed
Throttles (Affected Engine) - Retard
Propeller (Affected Engine) - Decrease (Do Not Feather)
Oil Pressure (Affected Engine) - Check
Airspeed - 88 KIAS
Throttle (Affected Engine) - As Required to Remain Below 2700
Emergency Exit
Thermoplastic Cover - Remove
Emergency Handle - Pull Forward
Window - Push Out
Emergency Decent
Carburetor Heat - On Throttles - Close Propellers - High RPM Mixtures - Rich Landing Gear - Down Bank - 45 degrees Fuel Pumps - on Airspeed - Do no exceed 140 KIAS Rollout - Pilot Option
Autopilot Malfunction
Control Wheel - Grasp Firmly Attitude Indicators - Crosscheck A/P DISC Switch - Depress and Hold Pitch Trim - Re-trim as Necessary AUTOPILOT Circuit Breaker (Row 3, Col. 2) - Pull Autopilot - Do Not Re-engage
Electric Pitch Trim Runaway
Control Wheel - Grasp Firmly Attitude Indicators - Crosscheck A/P DISC Switch - Depress and Hold PITCH TRIM Circuit Breaker (Row 3, Col. 1) - Pull Pitch Trim - Re-trim as Necessary
One Engine Inoperative Go-Around
Mixture (Operating Engine) - Full Rich Propeller (Operating Engine) - High RPM Throttles - Smoothly Advance to Takeoff Power Flaps - Retract Incrementally Landing Gear - Up Airspeed - 88 KIAS