checking out me history Flashcards
‘dem tell me
dem tell me
wha dem want to tell me’
(dem = white education system)
anaphora: ‘dem’
↳ hyper fixated on white people
↳ accusatory & oppressive tone
imperative verb: ‘tell’
↳ assertive, one sided conversation (patronising & condescending)
‘bandage up me eye with me own history
blind me to me own identity’
verb: ‘bandage’
↳ connotates to a cure meaning that the white people believe that it’s a hindrance/almost distressing to learn about other races
↳ he can not learn about his own history as his eyes have been covered
plosives: ‘bandage’, ‘blind’
↳ irritated by narrow minded whites
metaphor: ‘blind me to own identity’
↳ suggests cruelty of being separated by from identity, alike to being blinded
↳ it’s like losing a major sense, senses allow you to explore the world
↳ emotive language
‘toussaint de thorn
to de french
toussaint de beacon
of de haitian revolution’
↳ suggests unity, satisfaction & justice
metaphor: ‘toussaint de beacon’
↳ light, guidance, salvation
importance of the stanzas in italics
↳ show that black history is special and important
↳ emphasise segregation between world history and black history as black history is seen as inferior
short lines
↳ increase pace to induce a dramatic & exciting feeling
↳ contrast to previous monotonous stanzas
↳ suggest a lack of information about black history due to misinformation & lacking knowledge
↳ fleeting thoughts
long stanza:
↳ significant & rich history
… of mountain dream
fire-woman struggle
hopeful stream
to freedom river’
noun: ‘mountain’
↳ high achieving, visionary
metaphor: ‘fire-woman’
↳ she was passionate to fight for her freedom
semantic field of nature: ‘mountain’, ‘stream’ and ‘river’
↳ nature is essential, vital and beautiful just like black history
juxtaposition: ‘fire’, ‘river’
↳ fighting for peace and freedom
‘dem tell me about florence nightingale and she lamp
… but dem never tell me about mary seacole’
mary seacole is overshadowed by florence because she is black
‘a healing star
among the wounded
a yellow sunrise
to the dying’
metaphor: ‘healing star’
↳ cure in time of war, positive effects
↳ has emotional significance to him & guidance
metaphor: a yellow sunrise’
↳ yellow connotates to fresh & new beginning
↳ sunrise is the beginning of a new day, mary seacole was unique
↳ great nurse as she woke the dying
juxtaposition: ‘lamp’ (FL) ‘star’ (MS)
↳ a star is much brighter and bigger
‘dem tell me
dem tell me wha dem want to tell me
but now I checking out me own history
I carving out me identity’
cyclical structure: ’dem tell me’
↳ echoes the beginning to show how stubborn & repetitive the english syllabus is
volta: ‘but now’
↳ the speaker is taking injustice into his own hands
possessive pronoun: ‘me own history’
↳ he has begun educating his own self
first person: ‘I carving out…’
↳ the speaker is assertive & not passive
↳ he has let go of ‘dem’ and now takes responsibility for himself & makes the poem about himself, not them
verb: ‘carving’
↳ requires time & skill, he wants to cut out white history
↳ strenuous
↳ he’s leaving an imprint in the world
↳ he is pained that his identity has been left from him for so long
no full stops in checking out me history
-his story is incomplete
-he doesn’t want to conform to eurocentric standards
-the lack of grammar makes the reader feel like an outsider just as he does in modern society due to his identity being ignored
↳ pushes unconventional ideas
-agard was born in guyana in 1949, it became independent in 1966, which means he grew up with eurocentric views
-he lived in england for 30 years
-agard was inspired by reading a school textbook that said that west indian history began with columbus
↳ significant to his identity
no punctuation
↳ speeds up the flow of text, conveys anger
↳ opposes status quo
↳ too much emotion to be contained
↳ emphasise separation between black and white history
free verse & irregular rhyme scheme:
↳ opposes status quo
↳ pushes unconventionality which reinforces his idea of allowing black history to finally shine
battle of hastings
duck whittington and he cat
-taught in primary schools
toussaint l’ouverture
-a former slave who became the leader of the only successful slave revolt and created an independent state
-haitian revolution
-advanced with hard work
-was born into riches
-defeated by toussaint
nanny de maroon
-leader of the maroons
-a group that escaped slavery & led the maroons to victory against british colonies
lord nelson and waterloo
battle winners
shaka de great zulu
-zulu leader
-united tribes and challenged white settlers
-only white victories are celebrated
columbus and 1942
-columbus allegedly discovered america
-native tribes discovered america first
-shows how white people rewrite history to form their own narratives
de caribs and de arawaks
-the first people of the caribbean
-they settled in these islands long before columbus arrived in 1492
florence nightingale and she lamp
-the founder of modern nursing.
-she would walk among the beds, checking the wounded men holding a light in her hand
-florence returned after the war as a national heroine
mary seacole
-jamaican born nurse
-funded her own trip to crimea after being refused by the british war office
-established a hotel to provide a place for sick and recovering soldiers
-rode on horseback into the battlefields to nurse wounded soldiers on the front lines
-after the crimean war, mary returned to pondon with very little money and in poor health
who wrote checking out me history?
john agard