Check Your English Vocabulary For TOEFL Flashcards
______________ bringing much needed money to developing countries, tourism provides
employment for the local population.
As well as / Besides
Tourism brings much needed money to developing countries. ______________, it provides
employment for the local population.
Furthermore / Moreover / In addition / What’s more (this is less formal than the other expressions)
Tourists should respect the local environment. ______________ they should respect the local
Likewise / Similarly / In the same way (the verbs in both sentences – i.e., respect – are the same and refer to the same
thing, so we can use a word of equation here)
______________ industrial waste, pollution from car fumes is poisoning the environment.
As well as / Along with
In order to travel, you need a passport. ______________, you might need a visa, immunization
shots, and written permission to visit certain areas.
In addition
Drugs are banned in Britain. ______________ weapons such as guns and knives.
Likewise / Similarly
All power corrupts. ______________, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Likewise / In the same way / Correspondingly
You shouldn’t smoke, drink, take drugs, or eat unhealthy food. ______________, you should live a
more healthy lifestyle.
In brief
The ozone layer is becoming depleted, the air in the cities is becoming too dirty to breathe, and our
seas and rivers are no longer safe to swim in. ______________ pollution is slowly destroying the
It can be concluded that
Your grades have been very poor all year. ______________ you need to work really hard if you want
to pass your exams next month.
Therefore (To sum up, To
conclude and To summarize are usually used to conclude longer pieces of writing – e.g., at the end of an essay. Thus is
slightly more formal than therefore, but has the same meaning)
The population of the country has trebled in the last 25 years.
There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people living in the country.
Unemployment has dropped by about 2% every year for the last six years.
There has been a steady decrease in the number of people out of work.
The government has spent a lot of money improving roads around the country.
There has been an improvement in the national road system.
opposite: deterioration
The number of exam passes achieved by the school’s pupils has risen by almost 50%.
There has been an increase in the number of exam passes.
opposite: decline
American travelers abroad have discovered that they can buy more foreign currency with their dollar.
There has been a strengthening of the dollar.
opposite: weakening
It is now much easier to import goods into the country than it was a few years ago.
There has been a relaxation up of border controls.
opposite: tightening
We’re increasing our stocks of coal before the winter begins.
We’re increasing/building up our stocks of coal.
opposite: running down
Prices have gone up by about 4% every year since 1998.
There has been a constant rise in the rate of inflation.
The pass rate for the exam was 3% lower this year than it was last year.
There has been a slight fall in the pass rate.
opposite: sharp