CHDD conditions Flashcards
- Sudden onset
- Less urine production
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Confusion
- Swelling in limbs and eyes
- Chronic onset
- Less urine production
- Fatigue
- Vomiting
- Insomnia
- Burning when urinating
- Passing frequent but small amounts of urine
- Feeling of incomplete emptying
- Urine is cloudy or can have blood
- Abdominal pain
- Weeing more at night
– sudden
- Same as above plus: flank pain so in side, lower back and genitals
- Shivering
- High temperature
- Diarrhoea
- Nausea
Peptic ulcer Disease
- Chest pain/heart burn
- Early satiety
- Weight loss
- Vomiting blood
- Dark stool
- Faint
- Weight loss
- Triggered by fatty foods
- Bloating
- Diarrhoea; blood and mucus
- Urgency
- Abdo pain
- Bloating
- Fatigue
- Ulcers
- Weight loss
- Red eye
- Arthritis
Bowel cancer
Changed bowel habit
- Tenesmus
- Abdo pain
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
Gall stones
- Central abdo pain; constant
- Sweating
- Vomiting
- Jaundice
- Fever
- Diarrhoea
heart failure
- Fatigue
- Breathlessness; worse when lying own
- Swelling on legs
- Chest pain
- Palpitations
- Fatigue
- Breathlessness
- Hypotension/syncope
- Palpitations
Ischemic heart disease
- Chest pain upon exertion or at rest
- Dull, heavy, crushing
- Radiation of pain from central
- Breathlessness
- Faint
- Nausea
- Autonomic symptoms if unstable or MI; pallor, nausea, sweating
Chest pain
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Breathlessness
- Blurred vision
- Nosebleeds
- Chest pain
- Bumps on hands, elbows and knees
- Waxy cholesterol deposits on tendons
- Yellow deposits near eyelids
- Epigastric pain
- Swelling
- Pain/cramping/soreness
- Red/discoloured skin
- Warmth in the leg
- Dry cough; worst at night
- Tight chest
- Episode wheezing
- Triggered by season, virus, cool air, GORD, exercise
- Hx of atopy
Productive cough; worse in morn
- Clear sputum
- Chest tightness
- Wheezing
- Progressive breathlessness
- Worsening exercise tolerance
Lung cancer
- Chronic cough
- Haemopytsis
- Persistent chest/shoulder pain
- Breathlessness
- Weight loss
- Changed voice; hoarse
- Hand atrophy
- Cough; purulent sputum, rusty or dry
- Pleuritic chest pain
- Sudden fever
- Chills
- Weight loss
- Cough; haemopytsis
- Pleuritic chest pain
- Palpitations/racing heart
- Acute breathlessness
Questions to ask cough
Dry, productive, timing, onset, gradual/sudden
Questions to ask breathlessness
At rest/exercise
Questions to ask chest pain
Site, radiation, timing
Liver cirrhosis
- Red patches on palms and above waist
- Jaundice
- Nausea
- Pale stool
- Dark wee
- Confusion
- Fever
- Swollen tummy
- Abnormal periods in women
- Itchy skin
Alcoholic liver disease
- Weight loss
- Loss of appetite
- Jaundice
- Swelling in ankles
- Ascites
- Confusion/drowsiness
- Vomiting blood
- Blood in stool
1. During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless?
2. Do you have little interest/pleasure in doing things?
If the above has been present most days, most of the time, for at least 2 weeks ask about:
- Fatigue/loss of energy
- Worthlessness/excessive guilt
- Thoughts of death, suicide or suicide attempts
- Diminished ability to think/concentrate
- Indecisiveness
- Insomnia or hypersomnia
- Weight loss/appetite changes
- Have you experienced excessive anxiety and worry on more days than not for at least 6 months about a variety of events or activities?
- Do you find it hard to control worry or feelings of anxiety
3/6 of the following need to be present for at least 6 months in addition to core symptoms:
- Feeling of tension/restlessness
- Tendency to become easily fatigued
- Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
- Irritability
- Significant muscle tension
- Difficult sleeping
Mental health history
o Do you feel this is impacting on your everyday life? What do you do for a living if you don’t mind me asking?
o Do you live alone or with other people?
o Lifestyle
o PMH; ever felt like this before? Anyone in your family experienced this?
o Allergies
Headache differentials
- Tension type
- Migraine
- Medication over use
- Cluster
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Giant cell
Questions to ask headache
- Unilateral or bilateral
- Tight/throb/stab/burn
- Severity
- Associated features; vomiting, photophobia, ptosis, lacrimation, rhinorrhoea
- Timing
- Seizures; jerking and shaking
- Collapsing
- Strange sensations such as unusual smells and tastes or tingling in limbs
- Stiffness
- Losing awareness and staring blankly into space
- Loss of consciousness
- Numbness/weakness in part of the body
- Vertigo
- Loss of balance/coordination
- Slurred speech
- Cant understand others
- Blurred vision
- Sudden/severe headache
- Lethargy/fatigue
- Palpitations
- Chest pain
- Confusion
- Headaches
- Claudication
- Weakness
- Angular stomatitis
- Glossitis
- Spoon shaped nails
- Weight loss
- Going to wee a lot
- Thirst
- Hungry
- Fatigue
- Blurry vision
- Bruises/cuts which are slow to heal
- Pain/numbness in hands and feet
- Frequent episodes of thrush
- Intolerance to heat
- Diarrhoea
- Weight loss
- Sweating/tremor
- Loss of libido
- Breathlessness
- Tachycardia
- Sweating warm hands
- Intolerance to cold
- Tiredness
- Constipation
- Bradycardia
- Hoarse voice
- Alopecia
- Dry skin
- Slow speech
- Muscle weakness
Joint stiffness and pain; especially in the morning
- Fever
- Tiredness
- Loss of appetite
- Chest pain
- Decreased ROM
- Joint pain
- Stiffness which is worst after activity/EOD
- Limitation to day to day activities
- Referred pain such as lower spine/knee if in hip
- Loss of flexibility
- Swelling
- Grating/crackling sensation
- Muscle wasting/weakness
- Reduced ROM
- Where/point to where the pain is
- Did the pain come on suddenly or gradually. When did it start
- How would you describe the pain? Is it constant or does it come and go?
- Does the pain move elsewhere?
- Are there any other symptoms which seem to be associated with the pain?
- Has the pain changed over time? Is it worst at any particular time in the day?
- Does anything make it worse or better?
- On a scale of 0-10 how severe is the pain if 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst evER
Rheumatoid problems
o Have you noticed any new rashes or skin lesions?
o How you noticed any changes to your nails?
o Have you experienced any stiffness? When is it at its worse? How does it impact on your daily activities?
o Have you noticed any weight loss? Night sweats? Appetite changes?
o Swelling and sweats?
o Breathlessness?
- Neck stiffness
- Headache
- Sudden fever
- Confusion
- Rash
- Vomiting
- Increased RR
- Joint pain
- Drowsiness
- Cold peripheries