CHC: FSRH 2011 Flashcards
How does combined hormonal contraception (CHC) work?
- Inform: bleed experienced in HFI/placebo week odue to withdrawal of hormones rather than menstruation.
- May wish advise about use of extended or continuous regimens of CHC but should be aware that such use is off licence.
CHC efficacy
inform: efficacy of all CHCs is generally similar
Initial assessments for CHC
- detailed history ifrequesting CHC & recheck history at least annually. should include
- medical conditions such as migraine,
- drug use,
- family medical history, and
- lifestyle factors such as smoking.
- BP document, prior to first prescription of CHC.
- BMI document, prior to first prescription of CHC.
Drug interactions & CHC
antibiotics not induce enzymes.
- Additional contraceptive not required
Drug interactions & CHC
short-term enzyme-inducing drug
- not wish to change, may continue COC of at least 30 µg EE, patch or ring along with additional contraception. - An extended or tricycling regimen should be used and HFI shortened to 4 days.
- Additional contraception should be continued for 28 days after stopping the enzyme-inducing drug.
Drug interactions & CHC
enzyme-inducing drug (exception of the very potent enzyme inducers rifampicin and rifabutin)
- not wish to change from COC or use additional precautions may increase the dose of COC to at least 50 µg EE (maximum 70 µg EE) and
- use an extended or tricycling regimen with a pill-free interval of 4 days.
Drug interactions & CHC
lamotrigine (except in combination with sodium valproate)
Advise risks of using CHC may outweigh benefits.:
- due to risk of reduced seizure control whilst on CHC,
- potential for toxicity in CHC-free week,
Drug interactions & CHC ulipristal acetate (UPA)
- Advise: UPA, potential to reduce the efficacy of hormonal contraception.
- Additional precautions for 14 days after taking UPA (9 days if using or starting the progestogen-only pill, 16 days for the estradiol valerate/dienogest pill) (outside product licence).
CHC whilst travelling or at high altitude
- advise: Reducing periods of immobility during
flights over 3 hours.
Women trekking to altitudes of >4500 m for periods of more than 1 week may be
advised to consider switching to an alternative method.
CHC: trekking to altitudes of >4500 m for periods of more than 1 week
advise: consider switching to an alternative method.
CHC & non-contraceptive health benefits. acne. colorectal cancer menstrual pain and bleeding. menopausal symptoms. expected bleeding patterns
- may help to improve acne.
- Reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer and this may also apply to other CHCs.
- may help to reduce menstrual pain and bleeding.
- may reduce menopausal symptoms.
- Before starting advise about expected bleeding patterns both initially and in the longer term.
how much the risk
- compared to non-users, risk of VTE with use of CHC is approximately doubled but absolute risk is still very low.
Thrombophillia screen
- For women with a family history of VTE, a negative thrombophilia screen does not necessarily exclude all thrombogenic mutations.
- A thrombophilia screen is not recommended routinely before prescribing CHC.
personal history of VTE or a known thrombogenic mutation
unacceptable health risk if CHC is used.
When prescribing considerations to
Be guided by
- individual’s own personal preference,
- risk of VTE,
- any contraindications,
- possible non-contraceptive benefits and
- experience with other contraceptive formulations.
CHC & smoking
aged ≥35 years who smoke, use not recommended.
CHC & ischaemic stroke associated
- may be a very small increase in the absolute risk of ischaemic stroke.
- risks in properly taken BP which is consistently elevated generally outweigh the advantages.
- Systolic BP ≥160 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥95 mmHg is a condition that represents an unacceptable health risk.
CHC & BMI ≥35kg/m2
risk usually outweighs the benefits.
CHC & Migraine with aura
unacceptable health risk.
CHC & breast Cancer
- any risk associated likely to be small, and will reduce with time after stopping.
CHC & cervical Cancer
- may be associated with a small increase in risk, which is related to duration of use.
- check if up to date with cervical cytology screening.
CHC & overall mortality.
- not appear to have a negative effect.
CHC & ovarian and endometrial cancer
Use of COC is associated with a reduced risk, that continues for several decades after stopping.
CHC & mood changes, depression & weight gain.
unproven concerns.
- may be associated with mood changes but there is no evidence that it causes depression.
- current evidence does not support a causal association with weight gain.