Characters Flashcards
St. John
It snatched and growled like some strange wild animal
Oh, what a little puppet!
Moulded like a dian
Blanche Ingram
Massive brow, broad and jetty eyebrows, deep eyes, strong features
Black pillar
Mr brocklehurst
Her presence was far less obnoxious to me
Bessie leaven
Grim face….like a carved mask
Mr brocklehurst
Her beauty, her pink cheeks and golden curls seemed to give delight to all who looked at her
Georgiana reed
As if she were painted
Georgiana reed
Head strong and selfish, was respected
Eliza reed
Full of goodness
Miss temple
A pale large forehead and refined features
Miss temple
Effluence of fine Intellect, of true courage
Helen burns
She were thinking of something beyond her punishment
Helen burns
Had been carefully trained
Adele Varens
The neatest imaginable elderly lady
Mrs fairfax
Had he been a handsome, heroic, young gentleman
A throat like a pillar
Dowager lady Ingram
Expression of insupportable haughtiness
Dowager lady Ingram
So saturnine a pride
Blanche Ingram
Dark as a spaniard
Skin some shades fairer
Mary Ingram
Deficient of life
Mary Ingram
A hard plain face
Grace Poole
Lurid visage flamed over mine
Very pure in outline
St. John
His face riveted the eye
Like a Greek face
St. John
A voice toned to my ear
Diana rivers
All delicacy and cultivation
Diana rivers
Far excelled me
Diana rivers
Honest but inflexible
A docile, intelligent, assiduous pupil
Mary rivers
More reserved
Mary rivers
She looked like a rustic
A vision…had risen at his side
Miss Olivia
A form clad in pure white
Miss Olivia
Eye of ice
Mrs reed