Characterization Flashcards
What are the three methods of image formation?
Projection Image, Optical Image, Scanning Image
What is resolution and what factors impact it?
Resolution is the closest spacing between 2 points which can be seen through the microscope and separated completely. The higher the resolution, the smaller the r value in the Rayleigh criterion for resolution
r = 0.61 lambda / mu sin alpha
lambda = wavelength
mu = permeability
alpha = aperature
What is the depth of field?
range of positions for object h, where eye can’t detect change of sharpness in image.
h = r / tan(alpha)
How is the depth of field different in optical and scanning electron microscopes?
In SEM, the aperature is very small, so the depth of field is larger. In OM, the aperture is around 45 degrees, so the depth of field and resolution are similar
What are the three possible aberrations in optical microscopes?
Spherical aberration (lens field acting non-homogeneously on the off-axis rays)
Chromatic aberration - light deviates by amount depending on its wavelength
Astigmatism - rays travelling on different planes travel different distances
What are the two possible electron sources for EM and how do they work?
Thermoionic sources - supply heat so electrons overcome work function energy, usually heat up W or LaB6
Field Emission - electric fields are stronger at sharp tips, so the potential barrier reduces in height and becomes narrower, allowing electrons to tunnel through without thermal energy (Schottky effect). Needs ultra-high vacuum, but much brighter and can operate at lower temperatures
What is the difference between elastic, inelastic, coherent, and incoherent electron scattering?
Elastic - no loss in energy
Inelastic - some measurable loss in energy
Coherent - photons share frequency and wavelength, usually elastic
Incoherent - photons without same frequency and different wavelengths, usually inelastic
What is Rutherford Scattering? (Elastic Scattering)
electron that is travelling changes direction without changing energy due to coulomb interactions. Small angle scattering is much more probable.
Lower wavelengths and higher elements will scatter elastically more
How does electron diffraction work?
Atoms in crystal structure form 0th, 1st, and 2nd order waves due to constructive interference at different atoms
What are two main things that happen when electron inelastically scatters with an atom?
- Generates X-rays
- Generates Secondary Electrons
How are characteristic X-rays generated?
Electron beam knocks out K-shell electron, which is filled by a higher energy electron. While the electron transitions in energy, the energy is released via a characteristic X-ray.
What are the Laporte Rules (selection rules)?
s-s, p-p, d-d, f-f transitions are forbidden.
1s = K
2s = LI
2p = LII, LIII
Hence, LI to K transitions are forbidden
What is the critical ionization energy?
Energy of localized electron (binding energy) or absorption edge energy (Ec)
What are Bremsstrahlung X-rays?
Electrons that develerate by charge of nucleus emit X-rays, can only have energy up to E0 (electron beam energy).
What are secondary electrons and what is the difference between “slow secondary electrons” and “fast secondary electrons”?
Secondary electrons are electrons in the sample that are ejected by electrons of the beam.
Slow SEs are the electrons in conduction or valence bands, and it doesn’t take much energy to eject them (<50eV). These are usually free electrons and don’t give elemental information. Only escapes near specimen surface
Fast SEs are strongly bound inner electrons that are less readily ejected (~50% E0). They are able to escape from deeper areas in specimens since they are higher energy. Degrades spatial resolution - do not want them!!!
What are Auger electrons?
Outer shell electron that is ejected by a characteristic X-ray passing through. Favored in atoms with small binding energies, able to escape close to the surface. Can be used to analyze lighter elements
What is cathodoluminescence in EM?
Electron hits valence band electron that excites it over the bandgap to the conduction band. Electron relaxes back and emits with energy of band gap. Can be used to used to determine bandgaps
What are plasmons?
Collective oscillation of free electrons that occur when electron beam passes through “sea” of electrons. Creates regions of electron density, most common inelastic interactions, especially in metals
What are phonons?
Crystal lattice atoms vibrate collectively as specimen heating.
What is interaction volume and what variables impact it?
Electrons either stop in the specimen or leave the surface. Interaction volume is the volume within which 95% of primary electrons are brought to a rest.
Area analyzed»_space; size of beam!!
Determined by Kayana-Okayama Equation
Larger interaction volume = larger atomic weight, larger beam energy, lower density, lower atomic number. Larger tilt angle, smaller interaction volume
What are the three major parameters of an SEM beam?
Probe diameter / spot size (1nm to 1 micron)
Probe current (pA to nA)
Convergence angle (0.001 to 0.1 rads)
What are backscattered electrons?
Multiple high-energy elastic scattering out of the sample
What kind of informations do BSEs tell us?
They are not dependent on applied voltage, and have higher yields with higher atomic numbers
Rank resolution of BSE, SE, and X-ray
SE > BSE > X-ray
SEs only come from surface
BSEs can come from deeper in the material
X-rays can come from very deep in the material
What are the energy distributions of SEs and BSEs?
SEs are less than 50 eV, BSEs have energy levels between 50 eV and the beam energy itself (E0)
How does sample tilt impact signal?
Larger tilts will appear brighter
How can we do chemical analysis with the SEM?
Use characteristic X-rays of a small portion of a large sample, non-destructive. Find which element is present & quantity of the element. Use X-ray EDS (electron dispersive spectroscopy)