Characteristics of Primates- Cerebral Cortex and Gestation (17) Flashcards
What are functions of the cerebral cortex
o Higher functions- vision, memory, reasoning, manipulative ability
o Functions necessary to cope with changes in environment
Explain trend in brain
- an expansion and reorganization of the brain with resultant consequences for behavior
Why are primate brains large for their body size
o consequence of their tree dwelling environment
o Pressure of natural selection in arboreal environment= favor more accurate vision, tactile perception, better coordination b/w such sensory stimuli and any muscular response
o Unlike smell or hearing, reliance on vision to move about, locate and manipulate food generates large amount of complex sensory information that has to be processed and stored
o In primates= such functions by cerebral cortex
o Progressive expansion of cerebral cortex resulted in becoming so large it covers rest of brain, most noticeable in humans
What has caused the increase in convolutions
o Enable SA of brain and hence cerebral cortex, to greatly increase
o Through species= larger cerebrum + more convoluted
o Convolutions= 50% increase in SA of human brain compared to no convolutions
What (3) has increased size in cerebral cortex allowed
- enable to locate food
- develop special skills (tool making)
- Greater variety of behavioral responses to meet wide array of environmental problems (interaction, relationships)
what has taken place of further physical specialisation
behavioural flexibility
why single offspring
arboreal life= carrying through trees
what sort of mammals (in terms of pregnancy) are primates?
placental, offspring developing inside mothers body from nourishment from placenta
how efficeint are primate placentas compared to other mammals and what does it allow
have more efficient placenta allowing closer contact between mothers blood supply and developing offspring
explain the time of gestation
- remarkably long
when the primate offspring is born, how much care do they require
- offspring more developed are more immature, requiring much care and protection
Explain the period of parental care of primates
- period of parental care can be more protracted
o Length of this period increases with the progression from lemurs through to monkeys apes and humans
explain the associated delay in maturation (long period of growth and development) with period of parental care
o Result= sexual maturity is attained much later in apes and human than lemurs and monkeys
o Fact that apes and humans have such an importance facet of a primates life as it enables ideas and techniques to be passed on from one generation to the next
why do females usually only have on offspring in lifetime
Delay in maturation and late arrival of sexual maturity
what does one offspring (usually) per female result in
o Makes each offspring particularly important, and considerable time and effort is invested in their care and survival
o Investment in prolonged parental care evolved because increases survival chances of offspring and provides a long period during which the young can learn from older members of the group