Characteristics of Difficult People Flashcards
Who tends to focus on the bad side of every situation, often voicing their pessimism and doubts?
Negative Nancy
Who is convinced they have the best information or answers on every topic?
The Know-it-All
Who does not contribute much to the conversation and let others do the hard work?
The Passives One
Who wants their way and will do anything to get it?
The Tank
Who is Known as being explosive and short-tempered?
The Granade
Who show their discontent through indirect actions or words?
The Passive-Aggressive
Who is a micromanager who makes you question your every move?
The Insecure Boss
Who constantly points out all ways something can fail?
The Pessimist
Who feels like everyone is out to get them and doesn’t take accountability for their actions?
The Victim
Who knowingly or unknowingly makes inappropriate micro-aggressive commits?
The Biased One
Who is fixated on getting ahead and advancing their own career — but at your expense?
The Political Operator
Who believes they are more important than others and expect everyone to agree?
The Narcissist
Who is skilled at influencing or controlling others to their advantage?
The Manipulator
Who needs to manage everything to ensure it meets their standards?
The Control Freak
Who is quick to point out flaws and slow to give praise?
The Criticizer
Who focuses on a lot of grievances, whether it’s about the weather, work, or anything in between?
The Complainer
Who live for attention and excitement, often turning minor issues into major crises?
The Drama Queen/King
Who holds onto their opinions or decisions tightly, often refusing to consider alternatives or compromise?
The Stubborn One
Who does not follow through on promises or commitments, leaving others to pick up the slack?
The Unreliable One
Who quickly undervalues others’ thoughts and feelings, often without giving them proper consideration?
The Dismissive One
Who seems to hear but doesn’t truly listen. They may be physically present in a conversation but mentally elsewhere?
The Non-Listener
Who has a habit of stepping over lines such as interrupting personal time, asking overly personal questions, or not respecting your space?
The Boundary Crosser
Who thrives on sharing unverified or private information about others, often enjoying the reactions their stories provoke?
The Gossip
Who takes comments or actions too personally, often feeling hurt by what others might consider minor or insignificant?
The Overly Sensitive One
Who seems to instinctively know just how to irritate and anger us?
The Button Pushers