Learn about classification,kingdoms (especially plants & animals), cells (animal & plant cells)
Characteristics of living organisms
1) Respiration/Respire (Frymekembimi)
2) Irritability/Sensibility (Ndjeshmeria)
3) Nutrition (Ushqyerja)
4) Growth (Rritja & Zhvillimi)
5) Excretion (Procesi i jashteqitjes)
6) Reproduction (Riprodhimi)
[ R I N G E R ]
Definition of Irritability for living organisms
The ability of organisms to detect changes in the environment. / Trupi reagon ndaj ndryshimeve te jashtme te mjedisit nepermjet sensorve, reagimet mund te perfshijne edhe levizje.
Definition of Respiration in living organisms
Chemical reaction that break down nutrient molecules in living cells to release energy for metabolism. /
Organic molecules that break down to release energy /
When we use oxygen most energy is released
Definition of Nutrition in living organisms
Taking in the materials for energy, growth and development.
Definition of Growth in living organisms
Process in which an organisms changes in size and in form./
Ndarja e qelizave mundeson rritjen e trupit
Definition of Excretion in living organisms
Removal from organisms of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism
Definition of Reproduction in living organisms
The process that make more of the same kind of organisms (new individuals)
CLASSIFICATION - is the science of placing organisms into categories
Taxonomists are the people that study science of classification
What is classification key?
Classification key is the tool that help to classify organisms into categories. It is make by a series of question about one organisms
Where classification keys are based ?
Clarification keys are traditionally based in morphology & anatomy (shape & stucture ) because this are easy to observe and measure by scientists.
Mention five kingdoms
1) Prokaryote
2) Protoctistans
3) Fungi
4) Plants
5) Animals
Hierarchy of classification
1) Kingdom (Mbreterite)
2) Phylum (Tipi)
3) Class
4) Order
5) family
6) Genus (Gjinia ?! )
7) Species
Cfare jane prokarjotet?
Jane organizma njeqelizor, mikroskopik te cilat nuk kane nje berthame te veçante dhe organele te specializuara.
( bakteriet)
Why viruses aren’t in any kingdom?
Because they don not show the typical features of living organisms, (some taxonimist think to classify them in sixth kingdom).