Characteristic Lesions Flashcards
Durck Granulomas (perivascular ring hemorrhages)
Cerebral Malaria
Mucopurulent exudate reminiscent of a volcano
C. Difficile
Asexual intracellular parasite with Hemozoin
Babesia - without hemozoin
Nurse cells (skeletal muscle cells with loss of striations, formation of collagenous capsule, development of new blood vessels)
Meyers-Kouwenar Bodies (dead worms surrounded by hyaline, eosinophilic precipitates embedded in small epithelioid granulomas)
Mazzotti Reaction (accentuation of keratitis with antifilarial treatment)
Ring sideroblasts, Saturnine gout, peripheral demyelinating neuropathy
Lead Poisoning
Itai Itai Disease (osteoporosis and osteomalacia with associated renal disease)
Cadmium poisoning
Homer-Wright Pseudorosettes
Blueberry muffin baby
Gonadal dysgenesis
Early onset nephropathy (diffuse mesangial sclerosis)
Increased risk for Wilms tumor
Denys-Drash Syndrome
Organomegaly Macroglossia Hemihypertrophy Omphalocele Adrenal cytomegaly
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (WT2 gene)
Aschoff bodies (granulomatous lesions with T lymphocytes, plasma cells, and caterpillar cells seen in all layers of the heart)
MacCallum Plaques
Subendocardial thickening due to regurgitant jets
Spider Cells (cytoplasmic strands from nucleus to the surface membrane)
Auer Rods (needle like azurophilic granules) Faggot Cells (w/ numerous Auer rods)
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Smudge cells/basket cells
Abnormally fragile lymphocytes
Lymphohistiocytic popcorn RS cells
Lymphocyte prediminant HL
Starry sky
Burkitt Lymphoma
Sezary Cells / Buttock cells (T cells with cerebriform nuclei)
Pautrier microabscesses
Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma/ Mycosis Fungoides
M Protein
Bence Jones Proteinuria
Multiple Myeloma
Russell Bodies (PAS+ cytoplasmic inclusions) Dutcher bodies (PAS+ nuclear inclusions)
Multiple Myeloma
Ringed sideroblasts
Pseudo Pelget Huet Cells (PMN with only 2 lobes)
Pawn ball megakaryocytes (with multiple separated nuclei)
Birbeck granules (pentalaminar racket shaped granules with Langerin protein)
Langerhan Cells Histiocytosis