Characterisation Flashcards
What are the key characterisation methods in A Streetcar Named Desire?
- Blanche as the emblem of the Old South
- Stanley as the alpha male emblem of the working class and New America
- Stella as the emblem of change
- Mitch as Blanche’s hope
- Baby as the symbol of the future
- Steve and Eunice as champions of the American Dream and foils to Stanley and Stella
- Minor characters such as Shep Huntleigh and Allan Gray to symbolise the illusion of Blanche
Motif of clothing Sc1 Stanley
“roughly dressed in blue denim work clothes”
Motif of clothing Blanche Sc1
“Her appearance is incongrous to the setting. She is daintily dressed in a white suit”
“Her delicate beauty must avoid a strong light”
Stanley’s diction Sc1
Stanley: “Catch!”
Stella: “What?”
Stanley: “Meat!”
Blanche’s first line Sc1
(with faintly hysterical humour) “They told me to take a streetcar named Desire, and then transfer to one called Cemeteries and…get off at-Elysian Fields!”
* Freudian theory of Eros and Thanatos
* Blanche is educated enough to understand references
Presentation of Eunice Sc1
“A place like that must be awful hard to keep up” (referring to Belle Reve)
Stanley and Stella’s relationship Sc1
“When he’s away for a week I nearly go wild! And when he comes back I cry on his lap like a baby…”
Presentation of Stanley Sc1
“a richly feathered male bird among hens”
” gaudy seed-bearer”
Presentation of Stanley with symbol of the trunk Sc2
“Let’s see the papers!” Stanley
“He jerks open a small drawer in the trunk and pulls up a fist-full of costume jewellery”
Motif of clothing Blanche Sc3
” she has slipped on the dark red satin wrapper”
Blanche flirting with Stanley Sc2
“She sprays herself with her atomizer; then playfully sprayed him with it”
Blanche, Stanley and the love letters Sc2
“He rips off the ribbon and starts to examine them. Blanche snatches them from him, and they cascade to the floor”
Blanche on finding out about the baby Sc2
“The Blue Piano sounds louder”
“maybe he’s what we need to mix with our blood now”
Mitch as a gentlemen Sc3
“Poker should not be played in a house with women” Mitch
Stella and Stanley coming together after he hits her Sc3
“he throws back his head like a baying hound and bellows his wife’s name”
“they come together with low, animal moans”
“her eyes go blind with tenderness”
Stella after the fight Sc4
“from the other (hand) dangles a book of coloured comics”
“narcotized tranquility”
Presentation of Blanche Sc4
“She has spent a sleepless night”
“throwing herself down beside Stella in a rush of hysterical tenderness”
Stanley and Stella’s marriage vs Blanche’s reaction Sc4
“he snatched off one of my slippers and rushed about the place smashing the light-bulbs with it” Stella
“you’re married to a madman!” Blanche
Metaphor of the streetcar and desire Sc4
Blanche: “What you are talking about is brutal desire… the name of that rattle-trap street-car that bangs through the Quarter, up one old narrow street and down another…
Stella: Haven’t you ever ridden that street-car?
Blanche: It brought me here- Where I’m no wanted and where I’m ashamed to be”
Presentation of Stanley and Stella’s relationship (foreshadowing) Sc4
“Stella has embraced him with both arms, fiercely, and in full view of Blanche… Over her head he grins through the curtains at Blanche”
Steve and Eunice as foils to Stanley and Stella Sc5
“A clatter of aluminium striking a wall is heard, followed by a man’s angry roar”
Blanche explaining her vanity in a world of men Sc5
“put on soft colours, the colour of butterfly wings, and glow-make a little-temporary magic-just in order to pay for one night’s shelter”
“put a paper lantern over the light”
Blanche on why she wants Mitch Sc5
“I want to deceive him enough to make him want me”
Blanche’s actions to the young man vs Mitch Sc5
“you look like a young prince out of the Arabian nights”
“I’ve got to be good and keep my hands off children”
“My Rosenkavalier!” She curtsies low.
Presentation of Mitch Sc6
“bearing, upside down, a plaster statuette of Mae West”
“I’m ashamed of the way I perspire”
“Naw.Naw I”
Blanche’s description of Stanley Sc6
“he stalks through the rooms in his underwear”
Huey Long Stanley Sc8
“Remember what Huey Long said-“Every man is a King!” And I’m the King around here so don’t forget it”
Stanley’s patriotism Sc8
“American, born and raised in the greatest country on earth and proud as hell of it”
Presentation of Mitch Sc9
“he stalks into the bedroom”
“a face like a thundercloud! And such uncouth apparel!”
“ he tears the paper lantern off the light bulb”
Symbolism of Mexican woman along with Blanche Sc9
Mexican woman:”Flores, flores para las muertos”
Blanche “The opposite is desire”
Oedipus complex Mitch Sc9
“You’re not clean enough to bring in the house with my mother” Mitch
Stanley taunting Blanche before rape Sc10
“Tiger-tiger! Drop the bottle-top! Drop it! We’ve had this date with each other from the beginning!” Stanley
Mitch Sc11 diction
Metaphor for Stella’s decision in packing Blanche’s trunk Sc11
“she arranges the flowery dresses in the open trunk”
Eunice as an emblem of the struggle in NA
“You’ve got to keep on going” Eunice
Blanche’s presentation in final scene Sc11
“a tragic radiance in her red satin robe”
“a look of sorrowful perplexity as though sll human experience shows on her face”
“Ihave always depended on the kindness of strangers”
“she allows (the doctor) to lead her away”
Stanley Sc11
“no sound but that of Stanley steadily shuffling the cards”
“seizes the paper lantern”
Baby Sc11
“wrapped in a pale blue blanket”
Stella Sc11
“luxurious sobbing”