Character of Property: In General & Assets w Special Rules Flashcards
What is the character of property owned before marriage, or acquired after separation?
What is the presumption regarding property acquired during the marriage?
It is presumed to be community property unless it is:
- gift, bequest, devise, descent;
- rents, issues, profit of SP;
- property acquired in exchange for SP
Note: increases to SP are generally SP
Note: proof that an asset was acquired during marriage only raises an assumption that it is CP. This can be overcome by showing that the property was gift, or is the fruit of SP, or by tracing the acquisition back to SP.
What is the characterization of a personal injury recovery against a 3rd party tortfeasor?
- If COA arises during marriage —> the recovery is CP.
- if COA arises after separation —> recovery is injured spouse’s SP, but injured spouse must reimburse community for community expenses related to injury. At divorce damages will be awarded to injured spouse unless justice otherwise requires.
What is the characterization of a personal injury recovery against other spouse?
Always injured spouse’s SP
What is the characterization of retirement pensions?
-Retirement pensions are CP to the extent the right to benefits was earned during marriage. It is immaterial that benefits are received after divorce.
What is the effect of death of spouse on other spouse’s interest in pension?
- A spouse’s interest in a pension earned during marriage is NOT terminated by the death of either spouse.
- Unless otherwise provided by law, a spouse is entitled to her share of retirement benefits if other spouse dies first, and has testamentary power if she should die first.
HOWEVER —> if it’s ERISA, the federal law preempts the California law and does not allow benefits except to living spouses.
What happens when spouse with pension is able to retire, but does not?
- When pensionable spouse is eligible to retire but does not, the divorce court may order a private employer to pay the non employee spouse her share of benefits as though they have retired.
- If he has a public employer, the worker himself may be ordered to pay.
What is the rule regarding the characterization of DISABILITY PAY and/or WORKER’S COMP?
To the extent intended to replace marital earnings —> CP
To the extent intended to replace separate post divorce earnings —> SP
What is the rule regarding the characterization of SEVERANCE PAY?
To the extent intended to replace marital earnings —> CP
To the extent intended to replace separate post divorce earnings —> SP
What is the rule regarding the characterization of STOCK OPTIONS?
To the extent it vests (become exercisable) during marriage —> it’s CP
If awarded during marriage, but is not exercisable until after the community is ended —> the portion considered CP is determined by whether it is characterized as compensation for past services, further services, or both.
What is the rule regarding the characterization of business and professional goodwill?
To the extent earned during marriage —> it is CP
Two possible valuation techniques:
- market sales valuation; OR
- capitalization of past excess earnings
What is the rule regarding the characterization of education and training?
- Education and training are not considered divisible property at divorce.
HOWEVER –> At divorce, unless the parties sign an agreement to the contrary, there is an equitable right of reimbursement, with interest to the community when:
(1) community funds are used to pay for education OR repay a loan; AND
(2) education/training substantially enhances the earning capacity of the party.
Loans outstanding at divorce are assigned solely to that spouse.
What are the three equitable defenses to reimbursement for educational expenses?
- community has already substantially benefited from education or training (more than 10 years have passed);
- other spouse has received a community funded education;
- need for spousal support is reduced as a result of education or training
What is the rule re: characterization of term life insurance?
The character of term policy is determined by the “final premium rule”.
The estate that paid the most recent premium is the owner of the policy, or, in the event of the insured’s death, the proceeds.
What is the rule re: characterization of whole life insurance?
- To the extent the policy has cash value, it is community property in proportion to the percentage of premiums paid by the community.
- When insured dies, the cash value of the policy before death should be apportioned according to the premiums paid by each estate, and the ownership of the remainder (the portion attributable to term insurance) should be determined by the final premium rule.