Character Analysis Macbeth Flashcards
What is Macbeth ?
The tragic Hero of the tragedy
What is Macbeths Hermatia ? Back this up with a qoute
His ambition
Act 1 scene 7 he says he has ‘ only vaulting ambition’ - Macbeth describing himself
How is Macbeth described by Duncan in Act 1 scene 2 ?
‘Noble Macbeth’
Duncan shows respected for Macbeth and, as audience members, we gets the impression that Macbeth is highly renowned
How is Macbeth described in Act 1 Scene 2 by the captain ?
‘Brave Macbeth- well he deserves that name’
He is of respected and of high status and is complimented by those that know him
What is Macbeth described as having done in Act 1 scene 2?
‘unseamed him from the nave to th’chops’ - force and power
- commended by those around him such as his superiors through a plethora of respectful remarks
- visceral imagery reflecting the violent word the play is set in, foreshadowing violence later in the play
Who is Macbeth described as being married to ? ( not actually but say the qoute and analyze)
‘ Bellonas bridge groom’
Classical allusion to the goddess of war conveying Macbeths ferrous nature
Further to this he is equated to being god like as he is worthy of being described as a married to a goddess
How can we analyze the whole of Act 1 scene 2 for Macbeth ?
He is described as noble by Duncan ( echoed by Banquo A1S3 ‘noble partner’
He is well respected
The captain, the king and close freinds praise him, this trio of opinions leaves the audience to believe he is respected by others
What does Act 1 scene 3 mark for Macbeth ?
His decent into madness and destruction
How is Banquo parallel to Macbeth in Act 1 scene 3 ?
Banquo- ‘neither Beg nor Fear’
He doesn’t care
Macbeth does care
Shakespeare does this so we can compare them
What do the witches prophesies for Macbeth in Act 1 scene 3? How does this show Banquo being different
‘King’ ‘thane of Cawdor’ and ‘ thane of Glamis’
Banquo asks ‘why do you start’ as he questions why Macbeth is surprised and it is here we see how the witches have given voice to his desires and inner ambitions
How is Macbeth described in Act 4 scene 3 by Malcolm ? ( bad)
‘Tyrant who’s sole name blisters our tongues’ - Malcolm
‘Devilish’- Malcolm describing Macbeth
Biblical imagery
How is Macbeth described in Act 5 scene 7?
How is Macbeth described in Act 5 scene 8?
‘ hell hound’- Macduff
How is Macbeth possibly redeemable ?
Macbeth murders Duncan off stage
Helps the audiance see some humanity
- deliberate dramatically choice by Shakespeare to appease the King
What is a good qoute showing Macbeth being conscious of his transgressions ?
‘ let not light see my black and deep desires
What is a qoute showing regret ?
‘ all of Great Neptunes oceans wash this blood clean from my hands’
What is a famous qoute showing guilt for Macbeth ?
‘Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle towards my hand?’