Chaptwe 2 Flashcards
another name for the holy spirit taht means advocate, defender , or consoler
apostolic sucession
unbroken chain of power and authoirty connect the pope and bishops to st. peter and 12 apostles
life - giving actions that originiate from God the Fater
word and gift
consecrated species of bread from Mass reserved in tabernacle in Church.
real presence of Jesus
real presence
Jesus is truly present in his body and blood under form of read and wine
when bread and wine entire subtsance is turned into body and blood of Christ.
ministerial priesthood
recieved in Holy Orders, purpose is to serve common priesthood by building up and guiding the Church in the name of CHrist
common priesthood
priesthood of the faithful. Church people share in baptism and confirmation
sacramental character
permanent effect of sacraments. permanent configuration to Jesus Christ and standing of Church.
to bring the good news of Jesus to others
liturgy of the word
part of mass that includes scripture readings, gospel. homily, profession of faith, intercessions
what are icons
religious images or paintings
what are the times in the Churhc year
advent, christmas, ordinary time 1, lent, triduum, easter, ordinary time 2
Jesus revealed his glory before peter james and john on high mountain
santoral cycle
feasts of saints found throughout the year on the Church’s liturgical calendar