Chapters 9-15 Flashcards
What happens when exercising in heat and humidity.
60 to 70 percent of energy is converted into heat
What is the standard treatment for injuries?
Rest in Ice
What is the best treatment for injuries?
Prevention is the best treatment.
Using a combination of aerobic activities to develop overall fitness is known as what?
What should the HIIT workout phase intensity be?
Keep Intensity high. Like HIIT, 80 percent plus max capacity
Recommended heat stroke treatment includes what?
The most common cause of activity-related injury is due to what?
Periodization is a training approach that does what or encompasses what?
a systematic variation in intensity and volume to enhance fitness and performance
what is atherosclerosis?
Fatty/cholesterol deposits in the walls of the arteries leading to formation of plaque
Total Cholesterol Guideline
<200 = Desirable
200-239 = Borderline High
≥240 High risk
LDL Cholesterol Guideline
100-129=near or greater than optimal 130-159=Borderline high
≥190=Very High
HDL Cholesterol Guideline
≤40=Low(high risk)
≥60=High(Low Risk)
What is statin Group
Lowers Cholesterol 60% in 2-3 months
Produce small HDL increases
What is Bile Acid Sequestrants
Reduces LDL Cholesterol
Bind Cholesterol in bile acids
What is Nicotinic acid or Niacin
Lowers LDL cholesterol, Lp(a), And triglycerides
Increases HDL
What is type 1 Diabetes?
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Pancreas produces little or no insulin
What is type 2 Diabetes?
Non–insulin-dependent diabetes
Insulin is not processed properly
What is CHD
CHD describes the buildup of plaque in the heart’s arteries that can lead to a heart attack
What is a Stroke?
Condition in which a blood vessel that feeds the brain ruptures or clogs, disrupting blood flow to the brain
What is Myocardial Infarction
Damage to or death of an area of the heart muscle as a result of an obstructed artery (Heart Attack)