Chapters 9-11 Flashcards
Indulgences were attached to relics and brought remission of time spent in purgatory.
Indulgences are granted for good works such as charitable contributions and viewing the saints relics. Church specified the numbers of years and dates each and indulgence enabled To spend less time in purgatory
Trivium and quadrivium
Trivium and quadrivium where the initial studies at medieval universities, is centered around liberal arts.
Trivium consisted of grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
Quadrivium consisted of arithmetic geometry astronomy and music.
These studies paved the future for education. They formed the foundation of what education is built on, the liberal arts.
What is a carruca? Where was it used? When was it used?
The carruca was a heavy wheeled plow the iron plowshare that came into widespread use by the 10th century. It could turn over heavy soils. And made in an enormous impact on agriculture north of the Alps.
Gothic architecture began in the 12th century brought perfection in the 13th century. It is one of the greatest artistic triumphs of the high middle ages the Gothic cathedrals.
Two innovations made Gothic cathedrals possible:
- The use of pointed arches and ribbed vaults created the impression of upward movement.
- The flying buttress a heavy arch pier of stone built into the outside of the walls made possible to distribute weight of churches vaulted ceilings out where it in downward, eliminating heavy walls. Windows Could be built within, walls filled with stained-glass windows.
Complex cathedrals that represent the value of the time. Which was religion. Glass stained windows symbolized closeness with God. Am light from the glass stained windows represent the sight of God.
Sic et Non
Abelard’s sic et non Listed directs passages from scripture and church fathers that stood in direct contradiction to one another and stressed the need to use logical and dialectical reasoning to reconcile the apparent differences.
Abelard was born in 1079 and died in 1142.
What is a commune? When did they appear? What effect did communes have on the rights of towns people?
By 1100 townspeople were obtaining charters of their liberties from territorial Lords. These charters granted them privileges including the right to bequeath goods and sell property freedom from military obligation and written urban law that guaranteed their freedom. Serfs earned the right to become free after residing for a year and a day in the town.
If townspeople faced difficulty obtaining these privileges they swore an oath Forming an association called a commune and resorted to force against their lay or ecclesiastical lords.
In regions like Tuscany in Lombardy towns were often controlled by their bishops. With the help of surrounding Nobels the towns people over to the bishops after forming communes. These towns eventually evolved into institutions of government for running the affairs of the community.
Who was Eleanor of Aquitaine? When did she live? What impact did she have?
Eleanor of Aquitaine Heiress to the duchy of Aquitaine in southwestern France. She lived from 1122 to 1204. First married to King Louis VII of France marriage later annulled. Then married Henry who became king Henry II of England. Later rebelled against him with her sons in politics. And later imprisoned.
Scholasticism is the philosophical and theological system of the medieval schools.
In this, faith dictated what could be learned by reason.
It reached its highest point in the 13th century but had its beginnings in the theological world of the 11th and 12th centuries.
Excommunication is a censure by which a person is deprived of receiving the sacraments of the church. Pope Gregory used excommunication and interdict to bully King Henry of Germany to give up investiture powers.
Investiture controversy lasted until 1122. Concordat of Worms made. Future struggle between King and pope ensued.
Was imposed on a region of country rather than a person, for the previous marriage to dispense the sacraments and hope that people would exert pressure against their ruler.
Poop in the sense interdict was so effective cause Kings Philip Augustus to restore his wife to rightful place as queen of France during 12th-century.
Lay investiture
Lay investiture means both interference by nonmembers of the clergy and elections and participation in the install of the prelates or bishops.
Elected Pope in 1073 Pope Gregory VII sought to eliminate lay investiture. Gregory meant the right of the church to elect its own prelates and run it own affairs.
Magna Carta
In 1215, King John Made Magna Carta. Limited government practices between king and vassal and King in church. Monarch should be limited rather than absolute. Sparked creation of Parliament in 13th-century by Edward I.
King Frederick II
Son of King Frederick I. Most brilliant of the Hohenstaufen rulers. Crowned emperor in 1220. King of Sicily in 1198, King of Germany in 1212. Was preoccupied with expansion into northern Italy. Obsession with expansion after his death made Italy fall into political confusion. Germany was left in confusion and chaos until 1273. Holy Roman Empire dead.
Hundred year war
In 1328, Was a dispute over the right of succession the French throne. King Edward III his mother was Isabella told her if King Philip the fourth who just died without a male heir clean the turn as the next living relative. The French of course chose a cousin of Capetians now as King Philip the six.
Joan of arch
In 1429 Joan of arch to dauphins court where her sincerity and simplicity persuade Charles to allow her to company of French army to Orland. French army found new confidence in this girl and in themselves regained Orleans changing the course of the hundred years war. Within a week the Loire Valley had been freed of the English. Dauphin crowned king of France became Charles VII.
Pope Boniface VIII
And 1302 Pope Boniface issued the Unam Sanctum. It was his strongest statement ever made by Pope.
It became clear that Bonifacious intended to excommunicate King Philip the first.
King Philip wanted to tax french clergy Boniface responded that the clergy could not pay taxes to their secular leader without the popes consent.
King Philip sent a small army to capture Boniface. Italian nobles rescued the pope but the shock of this experience led to the poops death.
The great schism
In 1378
fearful of the French majority of the College of Cardinals would choose another Frenchman and return the papacy to Avignon from Rome.
Cardinals duly elected an Italian Archbishop of Bari
crowned Pope Urban the six on Easter Sunday.
he wanted to swamp the College of Cardinals out the French majority with Italian Cardinals.
The French Cardinals issued a manifesto saying Urban election was void.
They upon chose a Frenchman to the title of Clement the seventh and return to Avigon.
There and have to popes initiating the great schism of the church.
Europe loyalties became divided.
The divides reflected there division between hundred years war.
Lasted for 40 years and had a great effect on Christianity
Yesrsinia pestis
Also known as the black plague or the black death of the mid-14th century. Lesson this devastating natural disaster in European history destroying Europe’s population and causing economic, social, political, and cultural upheaval.
By rats Mongol troops in 1300s spread plague into central China. From China through trade on the silk Road the movement of goods and people also facilitated the spread of the plague.
Knowing people could be dead in a matter of days they began to live for the moment and threw themselves into sexual and alcoholic orgies.
Dante Alighieri born 1265 to 1321 came from Florentine noble family fallen on hard times.
For the Divine comedy between 1313 and 1321 the basic story of the souls progression to salvation. The lengthy poem is divided into three sections hell, purgatory and heaven.