Chapters 7 & 8 Flashcards
What is Adolescence?
- “..Awkward period between sexual maturation and the
attainment of adult rules and responsibilities”
What is puberty?
Primary characteristics: growth of penis, onset of menstruation
* Secondary: growth of pubic hair, development of breasts, voice change
* Early adolescence: Girls outweigh boys, until age ~ 14
* Girls > boys: taller at beginning
* Boys: facial hair
* Girls: widening of hips
What are the timing & Variations in Puberty?
- Nutrition, health, family stress and other environmental factors affect
timing and makeup of puberty - Menarche: first menstruation
- Improved nutrition and health
= earlier puberty - ↑ body fat can trigger
- ↑ stress, earlier: single-parent families, father absence
Early puberty – good or bad for boys and girls? - Early-maturing girls: ↑ smoke, drink, be depressed, have eating
disorder, struggle for earlier independence from parents, have older
friends - Will elicit attention from males, lead to earlier dating, sex
- ↑ risk for physical, verbal abuse in dating
What is Body Image?
Girls less happy with body, more negative views than boys
What is Adolescent Sexuality?
Risks of early sexual activity
* Not emotionally prepared to handle sexual experiences
* ↑: pregnancy, lifetime sexual partners, substance abuse, antisocial
behaviours in young adulthood
Why Early Sexual Activity?
Parenting – unsupportive, lower parental knowledge of their
whereabouts, fewer rules about dating
* Lower-income, areas of inner cities
* Deviant peers in early adolescence, ↑ sexual partners by 16
* School connectedness, better academic achievement = protective
* Sports for females; males - ↑ sexual risk-takin
What is Sexual Orientation and Family?
Sexual orientation: sexual attraction, sexual behaviour, sexual identity
* Canada: January 2022 – conversion therapy became illegal
(counselling, behavioural modification aimed at changing one’s sexual
orientation to heterosexual; transgender to
cisgender (birth sex), or gender expression
to match the sex at birth
What is Adolescent Pregnancy?
Health risk for both mother, baby
* Linked to preterm, low birth weight, low APGAR scores, ↑ mortality
* Attain lower education, fewer employment opportunities, poor
mental health
* Canada: compared to mothers 20 – 34
* Disadvantaged neighhourhoods
* Depression
* Tobacco, cannabis use, alcohol use
What is Nutrition and Exercise?
Canada: 12 -18 yrs: 28% overweight, 10% obese
* Decline in exercise
* 60 min of moderate-vigorous activity/day
* Exercise linked to: ↓ triglycerides, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes,
brain development, sleep patterns, mental health (depression)
* Influenced by: parenting, peer relationships, screen-based activity
What is Substance Use and Abuse?
Canada 2018: 44% using alcohol at least once in
past year; 25% excessively (5+ drinks in 1 event)
* 20% using cannabis
* 3% opioids (10% of deaths 15-24 yrs, opioid-related)
* Why?
* Social activity with peer
* Poor coping strategies to deal with stress, depression, anxiety
What is Prevention in Adolesense?
* Parental monitoring
* Heavy, episodic drinking parents, esp. girls
* Attachment avoidant, maltreatment – linked to substance abuse
* Meals together?!
* Peers
* Drug use among peers stronger influence than parents
* Academic achievement, success, connectedness = protective factor
What is Anorexia Nervousa?
* Parental monitoring
* Heavy, episodic drinking parents, esp. girls
* Attachment avoidant, maltreatment – linked to substance abuse
* Meals together?!
* Peers
* Drug use among peers stronger influence than parents
* Academic achievement, success, and connectedness = protective factor
Onset – early, middle adolescence, often followed
by episode of dieting, some type of life stress
* Girls > boys: 10x
* Sense of control
What is Bulimia Nervosa?
Binge-and-purge pattern
* Eat more than what most would eat, then purge
* Excessive exercising
* 2x/week for 3 months
* Preoccupied with food, strong fear of becoming overweight,
depressed, anxious, difficulty controlling their emotions
* Weight is usually within normal range – hard to detect
What is Adolescent Cognition - Piaget?
- Formal operational stage
- More abstract thinking, create make-believe situations, abstract
propositions, hypotheticals - ↑ tendency to think about thoughts itself (e.g., I was thinking about
why I was thinking about X) - Thought is full of idealism and possibilities
- More logical thinking
- Hypothetical-deductive reasoning: think of possibilities and then
reduce the possibilities to a path forward/solution
What is Adolescent Egocentrism?
- Heightened self-consciousness
- Imaginary audience – everybody is looking at me!
- Personal fable: uniqueness, invincibility (can never die)
- Uniqueness – nobody understands me
What is Identity?
-5-6 years old start to see differences
Children begin to identify with social groups (ethnic community)
* Being a member of a group based on X
* Awareness of group, emotional connection
* Perceived sense of shared history, life circumstances,
way of life-traditions
* Sense of belonging-having your back
What is Erikson: Identity v. Identity
-always going through an identity crisis
* Psychosocial moratorium: gap between childhood security and adult autonomy
(the in-between)
* Free to try things out (sports, volunteering)
* Searching, experimenting with
different roles, personalities..
What are Marcia’s 4 Statuses of Identity?
Is there a crisis (exploration) or commitment (personal
investment in the identity)?
-looking through groups
-diffusion- floating around
-foreclosure- parents chose
-moratorium- exploring
-achievement- made the commitment
What is cultural and ethnic identity?
Ethnic identity: enduring aspect of the self, sense of membership to an ethnic group, with attitudes and feelings related to that membership- can act like a buffer
* Ethnic-racial identity: buffer against negative effects of prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping
* multi-dimensional, shaping, reshaping, learning from social contexts
-low ses
-seeing what is going on in the world
-Positive ethnic identity = protective against alcohol use, and alcohol-related programs, positive mental health
-proud to be what they are
* BUT! Also lower levels of ethnic pride may help against ethnic peer discrimination…
-won’t matter if you don’t care about what your ethinicity is
What are Theatre-based wellness interventions?
Promoting identity development among Indigenous youth—high suicide rates
* Circle of Voices theatre program in Saskatchewan: youth learned to “enact, protest, and pay a wide range of social
identities,” while challenging perceived stereotypes
-very helpful for them in terms of mental health
* Allow youth to explore social identities in safe ways and learn about positive identity and wellness-affirming ways
-understanding ethincity
What are the suicide rates?
15 – 24: Indigenous youth, 3x; 2x
for those living on reserves
* Communities that intentionally foster cultural identity (e.g., local governance (promote multicultarlism, facilities to
preserve culture) had lowest suicide rates
What is parental management and monitoring?
Monitoring: supervising youth’s choice of social settings,
activities, friends, academic efforts
* Reduces negative peer influence on risk taking, use of
cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, other drugs, anti-social
behaviour, online deviant behaviour, youth violence
(school, and online bullying), victimization (relationship
abuse, sexual assault)
-insane forms of monitoring
What is prolonged, intense conflict?
-sometimes teaching you good important things Detrimental: well-being,
substance use,
externalizing behaviours,
risk-taking, higher
anxiety, depression,
aggression, lower self-
* Long-term: lower levels
of empathy
-impacts social/romantic relationships
What is problematic internet use (PUI)?
Can become Internet addiction (abuse)
* Youth perceive relationships with parents as poor
* Parents frequently inadequate in parental acceptance and
* Lower parental monitoring
Ex:let them have a password without knowing it
* Parents less emotionally available
-tend to turn to the internet
What is sensation thinking?
Desire to experience; novelty and reward
* Involves risk, right?
* Any regrets?
* Sensation seeking youth linked to misuse of prescription drugs
-negative impact
* Those who feel hopeless, prone to misusing opioids
-kids use substances that make them feel like this
-Linked to other risky and anti-social behaviours
* E-cigs, including nicotine, cannabis, alcohol,
cyberbullying, antisocial media exposure
* Mid-adolescence, sensation seeking is stronger than impulse control, BUT decreases in late adolescence
-more independant and spend more time with friends
What is bullying?
Aggressive actus by a group or
individual REPEATEDLY and
-target someone
* Purpose to control or harm
* Physical, verbal attacks,
spreading rumours, excluding
someone from social
-different kinds
* Cyberbullying
What is Bullying in Canada?
12% girls, 18% boys = perpetrators at least twice in the
past several months
* During same period, 15% girls, 18% boys were victimized
* Targets: anxious, socially withdrawn, aggressive children
* Protective factor: supportive friends!
-less likely to get bullied
* Outcomes: depression, sense of hopelessness,
contemplate, attempt, and die by suicide, stress-related
health problems, substance use, low self-esteem…..
-reason why we try to prevent it
What are the Symptoms of Depression?
Feelings of despair or hopelessness
* Detachment from life and the people around them
* Always feeling tired or having no energy
* Crying for no apparent reason
* Not being able to concentrate or make decisions
* Thoughts of suicide
* A lot of appetite or a change in sleep patterns
* Headaches or stomach upsets that occur frequently
What are the Symptoms of Depression part 2?
Girls > boys
-tend to be more aggressive with emotions
* Tend to internalize emotions.
* Tend to ruminate in their depressed mood and amplify it
* Self-images, especially their body image
* Face more discrimination-gender
* Puberty occurs earlier-2 yrs earlier
* Linked to their use of social media-comparison
Why are people depressed ?
* Family factors: parents depressed in past, especially
recurrent depression in both parents
* ↓ family satisfaction, rejecting, low warmth, anxious parents
-parent-child realtionsip-attachment
* Poor peer relationships
* Not having a close relationship (a best friend)
* Friends who are depressed, peer rejection
* Problems in romantic relationships
What is death by suicide?
2nd leading death for 10-19 yr-olds
* Signs:
* Thinking or talking about suicide
-take it seriously
* Having a plan for suicide
* Withdrawal from family, friends, or activities
-staying in their room
* Feeling like you have no purpose in life or reason for
* Increasing substance use, like drugs, alcohol, inhalants
-see a change
-Feeling trapped or that there’s no other way out of a
* Feeling helpless about the future or feeling like life will
never get better
* Talking about being a burden to someone or about being
in unbearable pain
-always apologizing
* Anxiety or significant mood changes, such as anger,
sadness, or helplessness
What is Suicide x Gender?
Girls > boys to attempt suicide
* Boys use more lethal ways, more likely to die
-more successful
* Loneliness was the most central and contributing factor to
suicidal ideation
What are prevention/intervention programs?
See the signs….All negative behaviours, abusive
relationships, risky behaviours, drugs, dropping out of
school, crime….
* Intensive individualized attention: youth linked to
responsible adult
* Community-wide, multi-agency collaborative approach
-if you need help these people are there
* Early identification and intervention