Chapters 6 - 10 Flashcards
condition that may cause massage to be unsafe or detrimental to client’s well being
physical effects of massage
- improved health
- relaxed muscles
- improved lymphatic function
psychological effects of massage
- renewed energy
- relieved fatigue
- reduced anxiety
Reflex effects of massage
- causes hyperemia
- reset muscle tone
- warms tissues
kneading or compression movements creating action that forces venous blood & lymph onward & brings in fresh supply of blood
nervous system has CNS & …..
peripheral nervous system
cranial and spinal nerves are made up of ….
somatic and sensory nerves
stimulating massage techniques
friction, percussion, vibration
massage techniques with sedative effect
hold pressure, light friction, gentle stroking
what desensitizes a sensitive trigger point
Ischemic Compression
effects of massage on autonomic nervous system are
mostly reflexive
what activates the sympathetic nervous system
produced in adrenal medulla & excreted into bloodstream in response to stimulation of sympathetic nervous system
Epinephrine & norepinephrine
Parkinson’s caused by body’s inability to produce ….
depression, eating disorders, personality disorders, sleep disturbances and schizophrenia all have low levels of this in body
massage increase concentration of …. reducing pain and pain producing neurochemicals in CNS & bloodstream
endorphins enkaphalins
increased blood flow to massaged area favors better …
muscle control & elimination
compression produces …. an increase in blood stored in muscle tissue
Massage therapy contraindications examples
acute infectious disease, abnormal body temp, inflammation
normal body temp
96.4 - 99.1 degrees F
inflammation of vein with pain and swelling
local distension or ballooning of artery due to weakening wall
mass of blood trapped in tissue resulting in internal bleeding
accumulation of interstitial fluid, swelling in soft tissues due to inflammation, blockage, or removal of lymph channels
protrusion of organ or through opening in abdominal wall
considerations for client’s comfort
adequate heat, ventilation, indirect lighting
% of massage therapists working in private offices or clinics in 2007
10 x 12 desired area for what in massage business
massage room
best lighting for massage area
indirect lighting
optimum height of massage table
style of massage, size of client, therapist’s preference
tables narrower than 27 in. provide too little …
arm support for large clients
good length for massage table
76 in.
clean vinyl with ?
mild detergent & water
linens are used in massage to cover
table, face cradle, bolster
linens are changed ?
after each client
how much linens should you have on hand ?
1 1/2 - 2 weeks
a light flannel, cotton, or wool blanket serves to ?
prevent client from becoming chilled
this oil not recommended b/c dries out skin, deplete nutrients and clog pores
Mineral oil
choice lubricant for deep tissue practitioners
some … provide special properties that may stimulate, soothe, warm, cool, or provide special nutrients to area being massaged
option for clients with oily skin who can’t tolerate oil
test performed on inner bend of elbow
wait how long after test for signs of itching
client has reaction to lubricant the therapist should
immediately remove all lubricant with soap and water
products tested found safe for most people
used to remove excess oil from client’s skin
practitioner’s hands sanitized before each client
soap & warm water
infectious diseases caused by
common pats of infection
ingestion, inhalation, skin contact
result of inhaling tiny airborne pathogens
respiratory infections
major defense against invasions of pathogens
healthy skin
minute unicellular microorganisms exhibiting both plant & animal characteristics
perform useful functions & aid in digestive process and bodily functions
3 general forms of bacteria
cocci, sparilla, bacilli
any class of submicroscopic pathogenic agents that are capable of transmitting disease
not a virus
causative agent for AIDS
not fungus
common cold
class of proteins produced in response to contact with antigens that immunize the body
sanitary procedures
greatly reduce spread of infectious disease
most complete process to destroy all living organisms including bacterial spores
2nd level of decontaminating pathogens - doesn’t kill bacterial spores
phenols, chlorine bleach, and alcohol used to
method of eliminating pathogens most commonly practiced in massage studios
practitioner washes hands
before & after each session
wet sanitizer
receptacle large enough to hold disinfectant solution and objects completely immersed
safety precautions in massage facility
fire policy, heating & ventilation, sanitation
what occurs first
first client/practitioner contact
consultation is time to do what
gather & exchange information
effective consultation depends on
clear communication
3 nonverbal communication
gestures, facial expressions, posture
nonverbal communication known as
body language
informed consent
written authorization for services
massage session begins with to determine any changes in conditions or treatment
short ? & answer session
indications client may feel discomfort
fidgeting, flinching, muscle contractions
operational policies in massage practice include
fee payment, missed or late appointment policies, sexual boundaries
listing of modalities offered is
type of services offered