Chapters 3 & 4 Flashcards
Discrimination against a person in a certain age group
A person who works with students to provide guidance and planning for a degree
A state of difference; variety
Due process
Formal procedures designed to protect a person’s rights
Irrational fear of homosexuals
Hatred of a race; discrimination against a person of a certain race
Hatred of a gender; discrimination against a certain gender
Sexual harassment
Unwanted or offensive sexual advance, usually by a person in a superior position
A person at your college who manages staff at the college
A person who advises students on personal, academic, or career matters
A person or persons who teach
A person who teaches/ help you find a job
A person who provides advice or guidance
Peer mentor / peer leader
A person of equal status who provides advice or guidance
Academic calendar
The colleges calendar, which provides important dates throughout the semester; may include due dates for tuition payments and dropping classes
Add/ drop dates
The dates in your academic calendar when you can add or drop a class from your schedule; usually occurs within the first week of classes
Class schedule
Your schedule of classes for the semester
Course calendar / course outline
Your instructor’s calendar, which provides important dates throughout the semester; may include due dates for projects and tests
Daily calendar
A calendar that shows one day at a time
Due date
The day that an assignment must be completed and turned in
Energy zapper
An activity or person that lowers you energy levels
Finals week
The week scheduled in the academic calendar in which final exams will be held; your class meeting time may change during this week
Monthly calendar
A calendar that shows one month at a time
Office hours
The hours your instructor is in her office and is available to meet with students; your instructor’s office hours can be found in the syllabus
The act of delaying an activity
An activity or person that increases your energy levels
Student study day
The date in the academic calendar in which no classes or final exams are held; it is intended for students to have a day of studying before the week of finals begin
Weekly calendar
A calendar that shows one week at a time
Withdrawal date
The date in the academic calendar that is the final day that you can withdraw from all of your classes; when you withdraw from classes, a “W” will be added to your transcript next to the classes from which you withdrew