Chapters 2-8 Flashcards
inīquus, a, um
“uneven, unfair”; “the ungodly.”
dēnī, ae, a
“ten each, ten at time.”
octōnī, ae, a
“eight apiece.”
diurnus, a, um
“of the day, daytime.”
“it is permitted,”; “although” (OLD 4).
gubernātor, ōris, m.
“helmsman, pilot”; i.e. the captain of the ship.
temptō (1)
exōrō (1)
“prevail on, persuade.”
turma, ae, f.
“band” (of men).
misereor, miserērī, miseritus or misertus
“take pity on” (+ gen.).
meritō, adv.
corōnō (1)
“deck with garlands, crown.”
magnificō (1)
“prize”; “praise.”
grex, gregis, m.(f.)
“flock, herd.”
coturnix, īcis, f.
mel, mellis, n.
subveniō, subvenīre, subvēnī, subventum
“come to the support of” (+ dat.)
prō + abl.
“instead of, as a substitute for” (OLD 6).
locusta, ae, f.
gustō (1)
ēsuriō, ēssurīre, ēssurītum
“feel hunger.”
illaesus, a, um
“unharmed, uninjured.”
comminuō, comminuere, comminuī, comminutum
“break in pieces, shatter.”
Helia, ae, m.
refulgeō, refulgēre, refulsī
“shine brightly.”
cālīgō, inis, f.
aliēnigena, ae, m.
praevideō, praevidēre, praevīdī, praevīsum
“see in advance; forsee”; (ML) “provide.”
siccitās, ātis, f.
“dryness; dry weather.”
requiescō, requiescere, requiēvī, requiētum
“rest; take a holiday.”
or, (when a suggestion is being made) “possibly, perhaps” (OLD 4).
ostendō, ostendere, ostendī, ostentum or ostensum
utīque, adv.
“without doubt, certainly.”
mystērium, iī, n.
“secret religious rites, mysteries.”
praedicō (1)
“proclaim” (CL); “preach the Gospel” (LL).
extrēmum, ī, n.
“the final stage, the end”
iuxtā adv. and prep. + acc.
“in conformity with, according to” (OLD 7)>
valdē, adv.
“intensely, strongly.”
Hibernicus, a, um
“Irish” (ML).
crēber, crēbra, crēbrum
“closely set; frequent.”
vīsiō, ōnis, f.
“the faculty of seeing; a vision, a mental image.”
vīsitō (1)
“visit, visit repeatedly.”
rēte, is, n.
piscor (1)
“to fish”
comitor (1)
ōlim, adv.
“exactly” (OLD 7), i.e. “namely.”
presbyter, erī, m.
“elder; priest.”
etenim, conj.
“and the fact is that” (OLD a).
brūmālis, e
“winter, wintry.”
rigor, ōris, m.
“stiffniss, rigidity”; “freezing cold” (OLD 2).
hinc, adv.
“from this place, hence.”
fungor, fungī, functus
“perform” (+ abl.); vitā fungī means “to die” (OL2b).