Chapters Flashcards
Definition of behaviour modifications
Observable behaviours, systemic application of learning principles and techniques
Positive reinforcement
Desirable stimulus to increase likelihood of a behaviour recurring
Negative reinforcement
Removing an aversive stimulus to increase likelihood of behaviour recurring
Adding aversive stimulus or removing desirable stimulus to decrease likelihood of a behaviour recurring
Withholding reinforcement to decrease likelihood of a behaviour recurring
Operant conditioning
B.F. Skinner theory
Behaviour shaped by consequences, either strengthen or weaken
Classical conditioning
Ivan Pavlov’s theory
Behaviours learned through associations between stimuli
Systemic desensitization and aversion therapy
School of thought emphasizes importance of observable behaviours and environments role in shaping behaviour
Gradually reinforce behaviour. Used for teaching complex behaviours.
Breaking down a complex behaviour into smaller, manageable steps, and teaching each step sequentially
Learning by observing others behaviour and consequences
Contingency contracting
Formal agreement between 2 parties specifying behaviours, consequences, and rewards.
Token economy
Earn tokens for desired behaviour, can be exchanged for rewards.
Prompting and prompt fading
Cues or hints to elicit desired behaviour. Reducing prompts as behaviour is consistent.
Differential reinforcement
Reinforcing specific behaviours while extinguishing others. Uses DRO and DRI
Tendency for behaviours to occur in situations similar to one which they were reinforced.
Ability to differentiate between similar stimuli and respond accordingly
Sustaining behaviour change over time, ensuring behaviour persists after reinforcement
Self-control techniques
Self monitoring, self-reinforcement, self-punishment, self-instruction strategies to modify ones own behavior
Behavioural assessment
Systemic methods for identifying and measuring target behaviours and their antecedents and consequences
Functional analysis
Identifying purpose or function of behaviour to determine appropriate interventions