Chapters 1-6 Flashcards
‘For a moment the boys were a closed circuit of sympathy with…’
Piggy on the outside
‘Something…. was ….. along’
something dark was fumbling along
(About Piggy) ‘with the …’
Martyred expression of a parent
(Jack says) ‘we’ve got to … then when anyone ….
‘We’ve got to have rules then when anyone breaks ‘em- ‘
(Jack says) ‘….. to the …’
‘Bollocks to the rules’
‘Less a … than a ………., …. like amoung the tangle of trees’
‘Less a hunter than a furtive thing, ape like among the tangle of trees’
’ the …… to … down and ….’
’ the compulsion to track down and kill’
’ you can feel as if …………., but …………..’
’ you can feel as if , your not hunting, but being hunted ‘
’ two …….. of ……………. and ………, unable to ………… ‘
’ two continents of experience and feeling, unable to communicate ‘
’ Here, invisible yet strong was the …………………………. ‘
’ the taboo of old life ‘
’ Rogers arm was ..
’ conditioned by civilisation’
’ The mask was a thing on its own, behind which …………………., ……………….from ……….. and ………………..
‘behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consiousness’
(Ralphs thoughts) ‘ What was ………? What was …………..? ‘
’ What was a face? What was anything? ‘
‘Things are ……………….. ‘
’ Things are breaking up. ‘
‘Unless ………………………….. ‘
’ Unless we get frightened of people’
’ Simon became ……………. in his …………………………………………………………..’
’ Simon became inarticulate in his attempts to express mankind’s essential illness’
’ The world, that …………………. and …………….., was ………………..
’ The world, that understandable and lawful, was slipping away. ‘
’ If only they could send us something grown-up… ………………………… ‘
’ a sign or something’
’ The bright morning was full of threats and the …………………… ‘
’ the circle began to change’
‘because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the ………………………’
‘because of the unbearable blood’