Chapters 1-5 Flashcards
- how we see the developing child
- cant understand development without this
Biological theory
- looking at genotype (DNA) and phenotype (intelligence, temperament)
- look at difference between males/females
- looking at behaviors that ensure survival of the species
Jane Goodall-Bio Theorist
-Looked at Chimps
Darwin- bio theorist
- natural selection
- survival of the fittest
Survival of the species
90% of the world co-sleeps, who is the outlier
The US
Optimal development
-baby mammals need their mothers/or substitute permanent mother
- fertilizes the egg outside he body
- (350 million sperm): does not allow for natural selection
- took monkeys away from mothers, put them in a lab
- “MOM’ 1: rough w/milk
- “MOM” 2: soft w/o milk
- babies went and fed but them immediately went back to MOM 2
IS about security and safety
- Innate (born with this)
- Time is the central component of this
- most activated by stress
- Does not change, it changes form and lasts a life time
- Attachment person serves as a model for all future relationships
We know male and female brains are different
two theories blended (psycoanalytic-Freud) & (Ethology)
- culture is so important it can override instincts
- ONE primary attachment (not solidified till 4-5 years)
- Different from dependency
Study of mammals every way (cognitive, neurologically)
PORK experiment
2 groups of kids 5-6 year olds, 1 group bottle fed/crib slept/daycare kids, 2 group breastfed/co-sleeping/mom raised.The crib sleepers stayed by mom and didn’t want to go play because there is no trust that mom won’t leave. 98% of group 2 went and played because there was trust
- Not the same as attachment
- this is fear based
-FREUD- Psychoanalytic Theory
- Psychosexual stages
- mother/child relationship is most important (bio. mom)
- According to him everyone goes through these stages
- needs must be met to advance in stages
- earlier you are fixated the more pathological you are
Psychosexual Stages- ORAL stage
- All needs centered around the mouth
- ex: child breastfed by mother
- if fixated, overeating, smoking, drinking sucking on things, etc
- should last between 3rd and 7th birthday
Psychosexual Stages- ANAL stage
-Anal Explosive: Stare at mom and poop
-Anal Retentive: Hold potty, and don’t want to go to hold power over mom
-Around the world 2-3 year old boys are 2-24 months behind girls in this stage
Psychosexual Stages- PHALLIC stage
- 3-6 year olds, genital focus, feels much more different to rub a knee than genitals.
- self-explore other genders genitals
- Genital mouth contact is a HUGE problem (could be considered sexual abuse)
- if fixated, sexual frigid, sexual contact, highly promiscuous
“The child is the father of man”
what happens to us when younger determines what we are like when older
- He was a freudian and added to his theories
- Staged theorist
Psychosocial Stage 1
trust vs mistrust: birth to 1 year
We are born with this and is all about me, selfish and bride-less
phallic stage, conscious, “do not do it”
Phallic stage, rational component
Oedipal complex
when the child falls in love with the parent of the opposite sex
Electra complex
fall in love with dad
Theory created to debunk the psychoanalytic theory
if it can’t be measured or seen it isn’t real
the current environment motivated behavior
-no personality based on consequences
-positive and negative reinforcements
- nature vs. nurture
- child’s environment is the factor that shapes behavior over natural temperament
- conditioned a kid with scary noises to become afraid of certain objects
- father of operant conditioning (consequences of a response is determined by it being repeated)
- Skinner box with an animal in there
-classical conditioning (salivation of dogs to a bell/noise of some sort)
- observing, modeling and imitating the behaviors, attitudes and emotional reactions of others
- social learning considers both environmental and cognitive factors that influence human learning and behavior
Cognitive Theory-Piaget
- looking at how thinking changes with are, problem solving
- staged theorist
- developmental precedes learning (you have to be in that stage before you learn something new)
Cognitive: Stage 1 (sensorimotor)
- birth to 2 years olds
- learning the curves through senses, baby picking up cherries and drop on the group
- fine motor skills (pinch/grasp)
Cognitive: Stage 2 (Pre-operational)
- 3 to 7 years
- language, unable to conserve (do not understand mass)
Cognitive: Stage 3 (concrete)
- 7 to 12 year olds
- you can feel it and see it, and touch it
- cant think abstractly, starting to learn empathy/sharing/learning the rules of a game
Cognitive: Stage 4 (Formal operations)
- 12 to forever
- start thinking abstractly, can think about the future and planning
- learn it before you move to the next
- two types of learning Rote and Authentic
Rote learning
you did good in physics class but it is instantly gone after the test
Authentic Learning
you learn it, and can actually talk about it and debate/analyze and then apply it to real life
-occurs only in social relationships