Chapters 1-4 Flashcards
What are some of the major trends shaping the world? How do they affect the field of education in the 21st century?
Digital Technologies and Globalization: Digital tech by providing more tools to make education more accessible and easier to understand, globalization creates more global diversity and forces teachers to be accommodating to all backgrounds
What are the most important characteristics of 21st-century learners?
They are much more individualistic, they are more culturally and linguistically diverse, they are more commonly found with exceptionalities (physical, mental, emotional behavioral), and are growing up in a digital era
Why are traditional instructional models still relevant in contemporary classrooms? How might they be reinvented?
Traditional instructional models are still relevant due to effectiveness content-wise, usefulness, specificity in certain learning domains, and making learning more engaging. They could be reinvented by applying new technologies, integrating new instructional models and applying systematic thinking and processes in order to design instruction
What is meant by the idea of “teachers as educational designers”? Define this idea.
Designers plan something before it is built in every specific detail. Teachers as educational designers are teachers who approach institutional challenges. They approach these challenges with purpose, possess specialized knowledge, and address those institutional challenges with all of the tools they have available.
Identify how being an educational designer can enable teachers to capitalize on the instructional models.
By being an educational designer, these teachers know how to get to their students, they are able to deeply understand the content, they can learn from practice and they experience a much more rewarding classroom experience and practice.
What is instructional design? What are its origins? What does an instructional designer do?
A systematic and scientific approach for designing instruction and creating instructional materials. It originated from the U.S. Department of Defense. Institutional designers apply scientific principles and discoveries to promote learning, which can be used for teaching and for inventing things.
Describe the benefits of using instructional design in several different fields. What are the benefits for teachers and the field of education?
Institutional design is helpful in the military for things such as building tanks and preparing military officers, for inventing products that appeal the most to a specific clientele, and for catering and testing specific teaching strategies and materials for students with the added perk of being able to constantly edit them because of student feedback.
What are the differences between instructional design models and models of instruction?
Institutional design models are the expression of learning theory and provide a map for the designers to follow. The models of instruction are the frameworks for implementing that instruction in a classroom setting.
What are the benefits of systematic thinking and the instructional design process for classroom teachers?
Clarifying goals of instruction, basing decisions on learning needs through this process, choosing important and prudent resources, finding the challenges in instruction, and learning and growing through practice
Describe the phases of the ADDIE model.
The analysis phase determines goals and objectives, contextual factors, learner needs and what resources may be nessicary
The design phase creates the actual plan for meeting the needs
The develop phase is the create phase, where the product/lesson is created
The implementation phase is when the product or plan is put into practice, and formative evaluation tentatively takes place
The evaluation phase takes feedback from the students/patrons and allows that input to be applied back towards making the product/lesson better next time.
Explain how approaches like UbD are compatible with and can be integrated within ADDIE phases.
They can be compatible with ADDIE phases by clarifying what students should learn, using these systems can help to better understand which types of knowledge your goals involve and what kind of processes you need to use to obtain said goals.
Explain how the instructional design process and systematic thinking can help educational designers capitalize on the instructional models.
The design process helps educational designers by including a built-in system of feedback, so they can continually use that process to make their lesson plan objectives and execution stronger and stronger. Systematic thinking is also helpful for keeping your improvements focused and relevant, as without a system to go by it can be difficult to know what and how to improve what you have.
How would you define TPACK?
TPACK is a model for organizing different knowledge domains in the 21st century (including technology)
How might teachers use, benefit from and develop TPACK?
Teachers can use and benefit from TPACK by utilizing the mental framework for visualizing complex relationships between different domains of knowledge, finding tools they do and do not have, finding strengths and weaknesses and providing a common vocabulary between teachers. They can develop TPACK by becoming familiar with it and researching its application in instructional models.
Name and describe the different types of instructional tools available for teaching.
Instructional Models: Structures that support learning experiences (ex: direct instruction to foster logical thinking, concept attainment to encourage inquisitiveness, etc).
Instructional Strategies: Ideas and devices that help to accomplish instructional goals, easy to explain and implement, scaffolds student learning (ex: mnemonic devices)
Technologies: Software that has educational value (ex: smart whiteboards, tablet apps, etc)
What are the characteristics of high-quality tools (4)
They should be powerful, dependable, practical, flexible and enduring.
Explain the 3 for choosing and using tools for teaching and learning.
Engaging: Tech needs to keep student attention without distracting them with outside notifications
Effective: Tech needs to work well and work with your teaching strategies and lesson plan
Efficient: Tech needs to work constantly and for long periods of time
What is Classroom-Based assessment? How is it important to educational designers?
Classroom-Based assessment is the focused and purposeful communication with students about critical dimensions of the learning process at essential stages of the process. It is important because instruction is much better suited for students when you tailor it toward them. It also helps instructors find educational challenges, understand those challenges and modify their approach to address those challenges.
How does Classroom-Based assessment support high-quality instruction?
It constantly helps teachers to understand how needy students are, how their needs differ, what motivates them, their attitudes, etc, and understanding those things allows them to edit their instruction regardless of where they are in the process of it, which makes the instruction must more high quality.
List the three types of Classroom-Based assessment and describe their benefits for teachers and students.
Pre-Assessment: A investigation before the learning process, for teachers this sets a baseline of information to factor into their lesson plans before they even begin, for students, it provides a visual marker for their progress as the lesson goes on.
Formative Assessment: Conducted at various parts of the learning sequence to check for understanding. For teachers, this lets them know how well the information they are teaching is sinking in, and allows them to backtrack or advance ahead if needed. For students, it allows them to express their opinions and feelings about the learning thus far and have a say on how it is going forward.
Summative Assessment: Formal measures of what students know and can do. For teachers, this gives them solid numbers and ways to give students grades on their performance in the unit. For students, they get to see their grade and compare it to their pre-assessment scores.
How does technology make assessment more efficient, effective, and engaging?
Technology makes assessment:
More efficient by providing rapid access to info, recording student learning, etc
More effective by letting students share their learning, measuring learning goals, etc
More engaging by adding novelty and excitement, adding relevance, etc
What are some challenges associated with using technology for assessment?
You have to use the technology correctly or it could be ineffective
Could be ineffective if it doesn’t work consistently or if it distracts students from their actual work