Chapters 1-3 Flashcards
What good is systematic theology?
1-Helps form accurate or correct doctorine
2-Helps us explain beliefs (teaching)
3-Helps us grow in Christ
4-Helps us unify with others
Biblical Theology
Gives special attention to the teaching of individual author and sections of scripture and the place of each teaching in the historical development of scripture.
What the whole Bible teaches us today about some particular topic
Major doctorine
A doctorine that has a significant impact on our thinking about other doctorines, or that has a significant impact on how we live the Christian life. It is foundational. Ex- The inerrancy of the Bible.
Minor doctorine
A doctorine that has very little impact on how we think about other doctorines, and that has very little impact on how we live the Christian life. Ex - Fasting, tongues, when we observe the Lords Supper.
What is the basic reason to study systematic theology?
So that we can teach all that Jesus commanded. The whole Word, all the Bible.
John 1:1
To do _____________ welll we need to collect, summarize all the scriptures
systematic theology
What did Jesus do for us in His person and in His word?
1-Communicate the character of God
2-Expresses the will of God for us
Jesus is the image of God
A word of God that causes something to happen.
Personal address
A form of Gods word in which he speaks directly to people on earth
What are the benefits of writing down Gods word?
1-Much more accurate preservation
2-Opportunity for repeated inspection
3-Accessible to the masses
The list of all the books that belong in the Bible (66 Books)
What formed the beginning of the canon of scripture?
The Ten Commandments
What is significant about 435 BC?
No more additions to the Old Testament
Collection of books included in the canon of scripture by the Roman Catholic Church but not included in the canon by Protestants (from the Greek apocrypha “things that are hidden”)