Chapters 1&3 Flashcards
Info and questions from the ppt notes, lecture and mastery quizzes for chapter 1 and 3
Name 4 myths/misconceptions about abn behavior.
Weak character
Morally/Spiritually inferior
Mental illness is hopeless
Abnormal behavior is generally defines by what 4 things?
Danger (to self/others)
Three historically dominant traditional causes of abn behavior are:
the supernatural, biological, psychological
The Greeks thought that this caused abnormal behavior:
Red Bile: cheerful, optimistic, possibly manic
Black BIle: Depressive
Yellow Bile: Short tempered
Phlegm: Low energy. apathetic
1930’s treatment of abnormal behavior
Biological treatments
Insulin Shock therapy
Brain surgery (lobotomy)
1950’s treatment of abnormal behavior
Medications were established to help
Reasons for the decline of moral therapy
Over crowding
biological theories
Father of the psychoanalytic tradition
Levels of consciousness
Psychic structure
Id, Ego, Super Ego
Humanistic Theory
Treatment under the humanistic theory
empathy and positive regard (unconditional)
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Cognitive therapy
Social learning
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Psychopathology today is:
multiply disciplinary
There are reciprocal relationships between biological,social, emotional and cognitive factors
Current trends in Abnormal Psychology/behavior treatment
treating people with severe disturbances as well as mild/moderate disturbances
Emphasis on prevention
multicultural psychology
Descriptive/ correlational designs
case studies surveys naturalistic observation epidemiological studies longitudinal studies
The purposes of clinical assessment: (3)
to understand the individual
to plan treatment
to evaluate treatment outcome
What concepts determine the value of an assessment?
The clinical interview
is the most common clinical assessment method
can be structured or non structured
content can include:
presenting problem (description/duration)
Social history (family, school, occupational, relationship)
medical history
Mental status exam includes:
Appearance and behavior thought processes mood and affect intellectual functioning sensorioum
Projective tests
are composed of ambiguous stimuli
roots in psychoanalytic tradition
Rorschach Inkblot test
Thematic Apperception Test
Objective tests
test stimuli are less ambiguous
roots in empirical tradition
Objective personality tests
567 T/F questions
extensive reliability, validity and normative database.
Intelligence tests
include verbal IQ, Performance IQ,Full scale IQ
Neuropsychological Tests
MRI,fMRI, CT/CAT scan, PET scan, EEG
The version that we are using now
Text Revision
DSM-IV: What is it?
Made up of 5 axes
clear inclusion and exclusion criteria for disorders
Disorders are categorized under broad headings
Axis I
Clinical syndromes-
Axis II
Stable enduring problems (mental retardation and personality disorders)
Axis III
Medical conditions
Axis IV
Psychosocial stresses (good and bad)
Axis V
Global assessment of functioning on a number scale from 1-100
75 or higher- Good
40-50- not so great
The closer to 0 you are the worse off you are.
A society’s stated and unstated rules for proper conduct are:
He believes that the whole concept of mental illness is invalid and is a myth:
Scott was admitted to the hospital after Dr. Arnold determined that Scott had a plan to commit suicide. This is an example of which of the four D’s?
He stated that all forms of therapy have three key factors:
He stated that “therapists are not in agreement as to their goals or aims…it seems as though the field is completely chaotic and divided.”
A group of friends decided to “let off some steam” and went to the local junkyard everyday to destroy some cars. This is not considered an example of therapy because:
There is a series of systematic contacts between the sufferer and the inanimate objects
In any given year, as many as_______% of the adults and ________% of the children and adolescents in the US display serious psychological disturbances and are in need of clinical treatment.
30; 19
The is now considered the father of American Psychiatry:
These medications lift the mood of depressed people
This is the study and enhancement of positive feelings,traits and abilities:
positive psychology
On any given day,there are _______individuals with severe psychological disturbances who are inmates of jails and prisons.
Dr Haigen published a book based on his 20 years as a forensic psychologist. He included numerous accounts or _______ of various patients he worked with.
Case studies.
This experiment makes use of the real world, rather than the experimenter manipulating the independent variables:
Natural experiement
Rico’s family chose to celebrate Christmas Eve by cooking a variety of foods only prepared once a year in celebration of the Christmas holiday. This is an example of one’s:
John’s family had a difficult time understanding why he chose to wear an overcoat,a hat and gloves during the summer. This is an example of which of the four D’s?
While there are numberous definitions of abnormality,most definitions share what four things?
Deviance, distress, danger, dysfunction
He was a Viennese physician who developed the theory of psychoanalysis
This is the view that the abnormal psychological functionin has physical causes
Somatogenic perspective
If you lived during the times of the ancient egyptians a typical treatment to rid you of your demons would have been
Before the 1950’s psychotherapy was offered only by
Volunteers in the mulitnational anxiety trial were told that they would not know which treatment they would be receiving as this was a :
blind design
The case study is limited by a lack of:
objective evidence
This is the research procedure used to determine how much events/characteristics vary along with each other
Correlational method
George was tormented by the depreciating voices that he kept hearing. This is an example of which of the four D’s?
The somatogenic perspective did not benefit patients until the discovery of psychotropic medications in the
The asylum first became popular in the_____ century as a way to provide care for the persons with mental disorders.
At least ____% of all privately insured persons in the US are currently enrolled in managed care plans.
Only ____% of people with severe psychological disturbances currently receive treatment.
This experiment makes use of control and experimental groups that already exist in the world at large.
This is a research method in which the experimenter produces abnormal like behavior in lab participants and then conducts experiments on the participants.
Analogue experiments
He founded the york retreat where in patients were treated with a combination of rest, talk, prayer and manual work.
These medications correct extremely confused and distorted thinking
On any given day, at least _____ individuals with severe psychologicla disturbances receive treatment of any kind
Individual information about a patient.
the collecting of relevant information in an effort to reach a conclusion
Idiographic understanding
an understanding of the behavior of a particular individual
The process in which a test is administered to a large group of people whose performance then serves as a standard or norm against which any individual’s score can be measured
a measure of the consistency of a test or research result
the accuracy of a test’s or study’s results; that is, the extent to which the test or study actually measures/shows what it claims
Predictive validity
a tool’s ability to predict future characteristics or behavior.
concurrent validity
the degree to which the measures gathered from one tool agree with the measures gathered from other assessment techniques.
Psychodynamic interviews
try to learn about the person’s needs and memories of past events and relationships
Behavioral Interviews
try to pinpoint information about the stimuli that trigger responses and their consequences
Cognitive interviews
try to discover assumptions and interpretations that influence the person.
Humanistic interviews
ask about the person’s self evaluation, self concept, and values
Biological clinicians
look for signs of biochemical or brain dysfunction
Sociocultural interviews
ask about family,social and cultural environments
Mental status exam
a set of questions and observations that systematically evaluate the client’s awareness, orientation with regard to time and place, attention span, memory, judgement and insight, thought content and processes, mood and appearance
a device for gathering information about a few aspects of a person’s psychological functioning from which broader information about the person can be inferred
Projective test
a test consisting of ambiguous material that people interpret or respond to
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
projective test, consisting of pictures with people and objects on them. The patient must tell a story about each one.
Personality inventories
A test designed to measure broad personality characteristics, consisting of statements about behaviors, beliefs and feelings that people evaluate as either characteristic or uncharacteristic
Response inventories
Tests designed to measure a person’s responses in one specific area of functioning,such as affect,social skills or cognitive processes.