Chapters 1 - 3 Flashcards
New Things Learnt Dated
Who is responsible for the internal control?
The directors have ultimate responsibility. The board must set up procedures of internal control and monitor them regularly to ensure that they are operating effectively.
What kind of risk do internal auditors monitor?
Business risk.
Limitation of Internal Auditors
They might be the employees of the company.
Accountability means holding those in charge accountable for their actions. In the context of a company, it means holding the directors who manage the company responsible for explaining their actions to the shareholders who own the company.
Stewardship is when a person is responsible for taking care of something on behalf of another. This is known as a ‘Fiduciary Relationship’ and exists between directors and shareholders as directors are responsible for the management of the shareholders property.
Agent & Principle
Agency is where an agent acts on behalf of a principle to perform tasks for them. In the context of a company, the directors are the agents of the shareholders (principles) who entrust them to manage the running of the business. This separation of ownership and management is often referred to as the ‘Agency Problem’.
An Audit firm can ensure quality of work performed is at a high standard by
1.The firm must establish its own quality policies and
2. The firm will be subject to quality reviews by ACCA
How long does an individual require to complete professional paper?
As long he/she wants to. There is no time constraint to it.
“Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying financial statements do not present fairly, in all material respects … in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.”
Limited level of assurance expressed negatively
Professional Scepticism
To apply a questioning mind and to info and evidence.
Who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the annual financial statements of a listed company are prepared in accordance with IFRS and relevant legislation?
The BOD, you idiot!
Who approves the appointment of an auditor?
Shareholders. Certain times may require directors to appoint in the next GM, yet require the approval of shareholders.
Who is responsible of Corporate Governance?
The directors.
What is OECD and when did it issue principles of corporate governance?
The Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development. 1999.
Poor controls in Corporate Governance leads to abuse of their position in the form of?
- Excessive executive pay
- Manipulation of result
In CG, how should the shareholders be treated?
Activities of CG
Strategy planning and implementation, Appointment and Compensation of Executives, Compliance with laws and regulations, Engaging internal and external auditors and risk & internal control.
Can the CEO and chairman be the same individual? And why?
Nope. Leads to decreased transparency and accountability. To prevent unfettered power
Chairman in CG
Should be an Independent Non-Executive Director
Who can be the head of Nominations Committee?
An INED. Not a chair/CEO
Who can be the part of Audit Committees?
Atleast 3 INEDs. No executive should be part.
What does the remuneration committee do?
Composed of INEDS, determines and sets the remuneration and compensation of EDs and Chairman .Board sets the remunerations of INEDs (As per AOA)
What is the composition of an Audit Committee?
a) 3 Independent NEDs (2 for smaller Co.)
b) One member with recent and relevant financial experience
c) Competent relevance to the sector the Co. operates in
Objective of the Audit Committee
Here, the external auditors are responsible and report to the shareholders and not the executive mgt
- Independence to External & Internal Auditors