Chapter6-All Flashcards
Part of speech : adjective
Word family : awfulness(noun)
Definition : very bad or of low quality
Example : The weather was awful during the break.
Part of speech : verb
Definition : to look someone or something for a long time
Example : Don’t stare at people,it is not polite.
go on
Part of speech : verb
Definition : to continue
Example : She goes on walking when she finishes class.
Part of speech : verb
Word family : discovery(noun) discoverable(adjective)
Definition :to find something for the first time, or something that had not been known before
Example : She discovered that he was from France.
Part of speech : verb
Word family : face(noun), faceable(adjective)
Definition : to deal with a difficult situation
Example: She have to face this problem in her class.
Part of speech : adjective
Word family : total(noun,verb) totally(adverb)
Definition : complete
Example : She was in total shock when she got the gift.
Part of speech : noun
Word family : responsible(adjective)
Definition : the quality of being considered socially acceptable
Example : Studying hard is a student’s responsibility.
Part of speech : adjective
Word family : comfort(noun) comfort(verb)
Definition : producing a relaxing feeling
Example : She feel comfortable when she gets a massage.
no longer
Part of speech : other
Definition : in the past but not now
Example : This bus is no longer used.
Part of speech : other(conjunction)
Definition : may seem surprising
Example : Although she is sick, she still has to go to class.
Part of speech : noun
Word family : differ(verb) different(adjective)
Definition : the way in which two things being compared are not the same
Example : She has differences with her sister.
Part of speech : adjective
Word family : alikeness(noun)
Definition : similar,like each other
Example : They are so much alike.
Part of speech : noun
Word family : marry(verb) married(adjective)
Definition : a relationship between a man and a woman in which they live as husband and wife
Example : Marriage is beautiful when husbands and wives lover each other.
Part of speech : noun
Word family : couple(verb)
Definition : two people in a relationship OR two things that go together.
Example : This story talks about a couple from different countries.
Part of speech : noun
Word family : difficult(adjective)
Definition : hard to do or understand
Example : Even if there are many difficulties,they will still succeed.