Chapter6 Flashcards
Refers to the art and skills of performance.This will involve the use of action or gestures?
Process of transmitting ideas, information,techniques, from one person to another with the intent of enhancing/modifying the learner knowledge,attitudes,and skills.
Systematic procedures employed by extension workers in getting the vital information across the clients learners.
It is a “little method “. And it is a teaching aid or tool used to facilitate instruction.
It is a factor that the statements of what clientele will be able to do after the learning process.
The objectives
It is a factor of what the extension worker will be presenting and discussing.
Subject matter
It is a factor that given to the extension worker to present subjects matter.
Time consideration
What are the 6 factors to consider in choosing teaching methods
Human factor
The objective
Subject matter
Available material and facilities
Time consideration
Available budget support
What are the classification of the extension teaching methods?
Individual contacts
Group contacts
Mass media
What teaching methods that involve in farm and home visit?
Individual contacts
What are the types of individual contact?
Farm and home visit
Office call
Telephone call
Results demonstration
What are the types of group contact teaching methods?
Field trip
Role playing
Group discussion
Method demonstration
Group discussion
Open forum
What are the types of mass media teaching methods?
Print media fair
Field days
It is a method that Interaction between several numbers of individuals and engage in a lively exchange of ideas about a specific topic.
Group methods
Is a prepared oral presentation on a given subject by a trainer or resource person while the audience is usually passive,i.e simply taking notes or just listening.
Gathering of the offcers and members of an organized group.
Not the oldest teaching methods and this method emphasizes the principles of “learning by doing “
Method demonstration
Is a planned and guided visit of a group of participants to a specific site and also means showing
Field trip
Means meeting whereby a group of advanced students studying under a professor
Is a meeting of individuals,preferably small number usually in a round table situation who meet for a specific purpose
Is a method of adopting roles from real life other than those being played by the person
Role playing
What are the types of role playing?
- Structured role playing
- Spontaneous role playing
There are 3 type of structured role playing what are those?
The single role play
The multiple role play
The role rotation
This type of role play is usually used when the purpose is to develop the leadership skills. And it consists of two or Three people playing out of roles in front of a group
Single role play
The group is broken up into groups of two;three or whatever number of roles is called for by the particular role group that all participants are players
Multiple role play
Consists of having one person play a role
Role rotation
It is a type of role playing that requires that the trainer elicits problem from the group and then directed an enactment of the problem
Spontaneous role playing
Is an activity where a group of three to 10 people meet together to discuss under the guidance of a leader
Group discussion
Give a public recognition and accomplishment of the extension office,farmers-cooperators and the like
Achievement days
Farmers are encouraged to explore and discover for themselves new technologies/options in a systematic manner and to make decisions based on their own learning
Farmers field school (FFS)
Individuals are encouraged to express their opinions and ideas, and perspectives freely and openly
Open forum
What are the examples of print media?
Photo novel
Wall newspapers
It can reach people more quickly than any other means of communication
Reaches both urban and rural populations and closest to face to face communication visual undoubtedly increases effectiveness of message
Can be regarded as a public display of techniques,innovation,product and others
What are the types of exhibits in broadcast media?
Motion picture
Slides and film strips
Flip chart
Flannel graph
Wall newspapers
Bulletin board
Tools of teaching through the sense of sight .they are supporting materials and they alone cannot generate learning
Visual aids
Types of visual materials?
Flannel graphs
Flash card
Bulletin boards
Film strips
Cultural programs
The extension worker as a teacher
The client-learners
Human factor
Like lecture, method demonstration meeting, group discussion, field trip, seminarsworkshop, conferences, role-playing, panel
Group contacts
involve interpersonal interaction between
the extension worker and clientele either in the farm or home of the
Farm and home visit
-this method is the reverse of both farm/ home visit and office call as it lacks the personal or face-to-face contact between the extension worker and the clientele.
Telephone call
this is the reverse of the farm and home visit as the clientele is the one who goes to the extension office and seek for technical assistance or information from the extension workers
Office call
An extension worker can also make use
of business letters in transmitting important information
- This is a method of teaching usually conducted in the farmer’s field involving the cooperation of a selected cooperator whereby a component technology.
Results demonstration
- [ ] was first introduced developed in Indonesia as a way of training rice farmers in Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Since then the concept become popular in many Asian countries involving crops and other than rice.
is a pamphlet or more than four (4) pages containing essential information on a technology package. Essentially, this is in the popular or layman’s level
- [ ] is a single sheath printed material containing brief information on a specific information that is not necessarily a step-by-step procedural instruction to follow but is also needed by the farmers. The leaflet may bear on both sides and may be folded.
-thin, unbound book
containing a specific topic; more
detailed than a leaflet.
consists of up to 20
pages joined at the spine, longer
than a brochure
-supplemental to
lectures contain some topics/
important information discussed
in the lecture
a regularly issued
publication, keeps people abreast
to what is happening in their field
of interest
contains useful information / instructions about a specific subject matter; one-page, continuous publication
- [ ] generic for printed material in comics format; including illustrations and text; a subtle way of putting a message wherein a development message is incorporated in the story
-this print material
provides a valuable channel for
transmission of educational information
this material is
similar in size and appearance to
posters. One difference though is
that the wall newspaper usually
attempts to communicate more
than one idea and has more
Wall newspapers
Is a single sheet printed
material summarizing information
on technology package or
component technology. It bears illustrations and brief text, preferably in
the audience dialects.
is a single sheet visual containing photographs and captions to highlight
a recommendation or promote
is a semi technical
publication on a package of
technology intended for extension
generally available for extension use
are an ineffective device for actual
extension teaching. Motion pictures
of a general documentary nature and
therefore, used mainly to attract
attention, arouse interest and to
Motion picture
inexpensive projectors can be obtained
which will show colored slides or film
strips. The machine usually operates by
electricity. Colored slides can be made
up for the local area showing familiar
scenes, faces, and the same time,
teaching a new practice. Accompanied
by a lecture the slides are very
Slide and film strips
Nothing more than a
piece of flannel cloth stretched over a
flat smooth wood surface
Flannel graph
visual symbols made
up of lines and geometric forms
from which pictorial elements is
absent e.g. diagram of the root
system of a plant, floor plan of
the house, direction for assembling a
collapsible technology
the real things
which have been removed
as units form their natural
They are real things but
differ from objects in the sense that
may be a small part
segment, piece or sample of the
whole that have been treated and
mounted in some special way in order
to preserve it.
recognizable threedimensional replicas of real
visual symbols used forsummarizing, comparing and contrasting, and
explaining a subjectmatter
such as folk-songs & dramas,
are used as an effective medium of
communicating the message of
development programs. Dramatization
of a theme or story creates a lively
interest among the audience
Cultural programs
They provide a
writing & drawing surface for chalk.
They are usually used in schools,
colleges & meeting places. They
make possible the use of sketches,
drawings, words, symbols of a
combination of them to emphasize
a point.
Black board
show some action & catch the feelings & emotions of the
people. They are so arranged that they tell
a story. They are displayed on a bulletinboard at a common meeting-place where a
large number of people can see them
shows can be effectively organized to
gather the rural people. show, a
short story, brief scenes & quick dialogues are
necessary. Such shows can teach a lesson
about health, literacy, agriculture. Or homemaking
Puppet show
are a set of
small compact cards approximately 30
to 45 cm. In size, & are used to bring
home an idea, such as the cultivation
of hybrid maize, compost-making &
other practices
Flush card