Chapter5 Flashcards
Like/love the sound of your own voice
(Disapproving) talk too much, usually without listening to other people
Don just talks and never listens. In other words, he loves the sound of his own voice.
Not suffer fools gladly
Not be polite or patient with people you think are less intelligent than you
You’ll find that Mr Waters doesn’t suffer fools gladly, so watch what you say.
(As) tough as old boots
INF very strong and able to bear pain, criticism, etc. without complaining
My aunt’s tough as old boots, so I’m sure she’ll get through the operation.
On the surface
!= deep down
Low deep down, Joe’s a true romantic. It just doesn’t look that way on the surface.
Play it cool
INF hide your feelings so that you appear calm and controlled
Ella didn’t show Luis her true feelings. In other words, she played it cool.
Under sb’s thumb
Controlled or influenced by sb
She’s a very dominant woman; she certainly has her husband under her thumb.
Have a quick temper
Become angry easily and often
Keep out of the new boss’s way; apparently he’s got a very quick temper.
(As) thick as two short planks
INF (of a person) very stupid
John’s really stupid. In other words, he’s thick as two short planks.
She’s (as) mad as a hatter = INF strange or crazy = barking (mad)
He’s mad keen on Alice = INF likes her very much
I was hopping mad INF = very angry
A creature of habit
A person who likes to do the same thing at the same time on a regular basis
My sister goes to bed at exactly 10:30 every night; she’s a creature of habit.
A live wire
A person who is lively and full of energy and enthusiasm
Most of the group are very quiet - we need a live wire like Jez to get us talking.
A bright spark
INF 1. A lively and intelligent person - 2. (Ironic) a person who has done sth stupid
We could do with a bright spark here to bring in new ides.
Some bright spark left the door unlocked! How stupid.
A soft tough
INF a person from whom you can easily get money because they are kind or easy to deceive
She always asks Dad for help with cash because she knows he’s a soft touch.
The salt of the of earth != the scum of the earth
Salt... => a good, reliable, hones person Opp INF (insulting) a person or group considered to be extremely unpleasant or evil
Mrs Andrews runs the business and people think she’s the salt of the earth.
Drug dealers are the scum of the earth.
Nobody’s fool
A person who is too clever to be tricked by other people = no fool
He’s tough, ambitious, and he’s nobody’s fool - he’s out best hope as a manager.
Cold fish
(Disapproving) a person who shows little emotion or seems unfriendly
He’s a bit of a cold fish. He hardly ever speaks to us or even smiles.
A nasty piece of work
A person who is unpleasant, unkind, or dishonest
I hate dealing with Rupert; he’s a nasty piece of work.