chapter2 Flashcards
Program counter- adress of the next instruction to be fetched
instuction register-adress of the current instruction to be executed
flag- Shift bit, binary operation
stack pointer-adress of the stack
General Purpose Register-data register,adress register
The computer fetches the next instruction to be executed. the address is given by pc. it reads the instruction from memory and load to ir
the cpu decodes it what operationis required and what operand is needed
then execute - and rewrite to memory
pc incremented
-smaller-simpler as CISC archtichture
-Pipeline friendly-simpler instruction pipelinre- higher speed clock- executed in a fixed number of clock cycles-predictable
-Register-rich: RISC -large number of general purpose registers, faster access to data and reducing the need to access memory
4.compiler friendly-better performance
5. load/store architechture
6.less circuit-cheaper
1.Rich instruction set- larger and more complex instruction. access memory directly
2.Efficient Memory Access-instructions-operate directly on memory, reducing the need for explicit load and store , compact code and lower memory
3.less code overhead
pipelines problems
Nachteil from parellel pipelines
Not all instructions are paralelable
more pipeline more silizium
parallel of slower units
instructions fetch- fetch all instructions
instruction decode- to determine what the type and operations
instructions issue- analyse which can be done parallel
execution -dispatch in different sectors
parallel execution
single instruction for different data
2^31-backward compatible with asci
Access of devices
special Cpu instruction
memory mapped io
operation program
- no direct access
special os function
io ports
port-5 register
status regiser-read only (error, instruction executed, ready to be read)
control register-full duplex,half duplex,parity check
command register-cpu send to the controller
data in register-
data in register- data can be read from controller
data out register - data can be sent
Different address-
accces is only controlled by th os
cpu must regulate access
same addres
advantage-accesrightprotection through seiten
efficient read and manipulate
direct access through c/c++
problemm-complicate busarchitechture/ disable caching