chapter1- Sustainability and future development Flashcards
What are the main issues in developed and developing nations in regards to earths resources
Developed nations - these developed nations are currently consuming more resources than they can develop or supply.
Developing - These nations have rapid population growth which forces them to improve living standards which rapidly increases the demand for earths resources
Explain why resource demands rise as a nation becomes more wealthy
When a nation becomes more wealthy they will most likely want to improve their living standards, education, health care and infrastructure this all sky rockets the demands for resources like electricity materials food and water for workers and more people.
Why will the demand for fuel consumption rise as a natiions population grows
fossil fuel demands will rise as humans will need basic needs like heating and lighting for homes so if there is more homes and people more fossil fuels will be need for them. Also for transportation more cars on the road = more desiel/petrol being used.
why will demand for water supply and demand increase
More people in the world = more people will need the basics to survive like water, in more wealthy nations baths and showers will be taking daily by millions which will increase w
the water demand expanentially
what is the meaning of IPAT
Ipat is a mathematical equation that links the various sources of environmental impact to the overall environmental impact
what does IPAT stand for and what is the eqaution
I = P X A X T
I= environmental impact
P= population
A= affluence
T= Technology
List products and services that impact the environment and identify how these products and services can vary
1 - a car this can impact the environment in many different ways through the manufacuring, transport of the car, the fuel it uses, the repairs it needs, and the end of life cycle. A way in which it varies is the electrical vehicles which uses electricity instead of desiel to run. Also where it is manufactured ie if it is manufactured in china there is a likely chance there will be no environmental control over the maufacturing.
2- Clothing, shelter, food, water and energy is all needed for the population. Energy is needed for homes this can vary through which energy they use like heat pumps or more efficient lighting. Food water and land is all needed this can vary throught getting local produce and using less land.
What are the affects of more people using products and services
Large amount of energy being demanded for home cooking and heating will raise energy demands making energy companys burn more coal,oil and natural gas.
More raw materials are needed for clothes and other good to manufacture to meet the demand
what are the impacts on people being able to afford more products
with more disposable income people will raise the demand for these products and services and companys will start to produce more to meet the demand causing polution and use of finite resources
will an increase in technology help us with carbon emissions
Using the best available technology will help reduce human impact on the
environment but technology on its own is not enough to make us sustainable
Do some products create positive environmental impact
Yes products with susatianable design that can be recycled and used for other products at the end of their life means less raw materials have to be used
give one way technology can be used to help the environment
with email and digital books it takes out alot of development of cutting down trees and plants for paper
what does the ecological footprint show
Its shows the broader environmental impact of the population and how much land is need because of humans demand on nature
What is the definition of an ecological footprint
compares human demands on nature with the earths ability to regenerate resources and provided services
What size of land is an ecological footprint measured in
1 hectare of land
What is an ecological footprint measured in
How many earths a particular nation uses of resources over the course of a year ie uk uses 3 earths worth of resources
What is the relationship between carbon footprint and ecological footprint
Your carbon footprint plays a huge role in you ecological footprint as all the energy you use ties into the use of the natural resources you personally use like; desiel for a car, heating oil, air travel miles and much more. However they differ as ecological footprint shows other issues like food consumption and waste disposal therefore meaning the carbon footprint only shoes one section of the ecoligical footprint
List a few factors that effect personal ecological footprints
Diet, clothes, furnashing, packaging, size of your home and travel
Define carbon footprint
Carbon footprint consists of the net greenhouse gases emitted by an entity,
individual, organisation or nation
What is one planet living (OPL)
One Planet Living (OPL) is an initiative to make truly sustainable living a
reality. OPL uses Ecological Footprinting and Carbon Footprinting as its
headline indicators
List 5 overrarching principles of one planet living
1- Zero carbon, Achieve net zero emissions of carbon
2- Zero waste, eliminate waste going to landfill sites and incineration.
3- Sustainable transport, reduce reliance on private vehicles and achieve major reduction on co2 emmsions through transport
4- local and sustainable materials
5- local and sustainable food
list 5 more overrarching principles of one planet living
1- sustainable water, Achieve a positive impact in local water resources and supply
2- Natural Habitats and Wildlife, Regenerate degraded environments and halt biodiversity loss
3- Culture and Heritage, Protect and build on local cultural heritage and diversity.
4- Equity and Fair Trade, Ensure that a community’s impact on other communities is positive
5- Health & Happiness, Increase health and quality of life of community members and others