Chapter XXV: Letter Writing Flashcards
different formats of letter writing
- full block
- block
- modified block
- personal style
full block format
- paragraphs are not indented
- everything on the letter is flush left
block format
- all paragraphs and notations are flush left
- date, reference line, complimentary close, and signature lines are just right of the center of the page
modified block
- first line of each paragraph is indented
personal style letter format
- often used to write friends
- inside address is placed below the signature at the left margin
Portion of the firm’s stationary that identifies the firm, attorneys, and sometimes the paralegal. Usually contains contact info as well.
- the first page of the letter should include this
- need to check state law to see if paralegal’s name is allowed to appear here
Identifies the letter and is placed on the top right side of the page.
- included on all pages after the first page of the letter
- includes the name of the addressee, the date, and the page number
- should be placed just below the letterhead
- must be dated the same day as it is mailed
Method of transmission
- need to indicate if a letter is sent in a way other than US mail
- located at the top of the address
- underlined
- at least two lines below the date
Inside address
- name of person the letter is addressed to
- include individuals title
- if for a business include its name
- include the address
Reference line
A brief statement regarding the topic of the letter.
- if unsure how to address person then use the title and last name
- always try to determine the name of the recipient
Body of letter
- opening sentence and paragraph to summarize purpose
- create an outline first of all necessary points
- consider audience
- never provide legal opinions
- use dictionary to define terms for the layperson
- should invite a response in the body
- end with a complimentary closing I.e. “Best regards” placed two lines below the body of the letter
- > place typed name four lines below to allow for signature
- > your title is included with signature
Carbon copy
Indicated by cc.
- used when coping to a third party and want the original addressee to know
- noted on the bottom left margin of letter following the closing
- indicate who the other copy was sent to
i. e. cc: Mike Stower
Blind carbon copy
Used when you do not want the original addressee to know another copy was sent.
- noted on the draft file copy with bcc
Noted by Enc. or Encs.
- at bottom left margin of the letter
Under the cc or the enclosure
Note author’s initials in all caps and typists initials in all lower case letters under the cc or enclosure note.
i.e. JEF/hym
Confirming letters
Type of letter that reaffirms already agreed to information with your client.
- should be used as a follow up to any conversation
- confirm deposition dates, hearing dates, meeting dates, or agreements
- sent via email
- billing partner and supervising attorney are cc
- for depositions that are rescheduled send a confirming letter via email and post
Status report
Provide an overview of the current activities in a court case, transaction, or other legal matter.
- often needed for insurance companies
Transaction summary letters
Summarize transaction and often follow a business closing.
Transmittal letter
Can be written to a client to request the production of documents.
Demand letter
A letter that states your client’s demands to another party. Often seeks to collect debts and needs to comply with state’s fair-debt collection laws