Chapter Three Flashcards
Q1 What Protection or mitigation measures are implemented to ensure protection of Water quality and Aquatic Ecosystems during Forest operations?
Aquatic Buffer zones and Silt traps / curtains, proper storage of fuels and chemical outside
of these areas
Q2 Forests have the ability to absorb what Gas through Photosynthesis and then release what vital component into the atmosphere?
CO2 & O2 Carbon Dioxide & Oxygen
Q4 Forestry Development should not interfere with Archaeological sites but should rather
enhance these in 3 possible ways: Name 2 of these?
Ensure their preservation, enhancement and enable improved access as appropriate
Q3 Ireland aims to conserve Habitats and Species through designation of Conservation
Areas. What organisation is responsible for the designation of conservation sites in Ireland? Name these Designations?
NPWS (National Parks & Wildlife Service) National Heritage Areas (NHAs), Special Areas of
Conservation (SACs) and Special Protected Areas (SPAs)
Q5 Landowners must consider biodiversity when carrying out all Forestry operations, name Examples of these?
Establishment, Maintenance, Roading and Harvesting
Q6 Explain what is meant by an EIA and when would it be a requirement to complete one if doing Forest operations?
Environmental Impact Assessment, if the project exceeds 50 Hectares or if the project is less than 50 Hectares but it is likely to have a significant effect on the environment
Q7 How many jobs does our Forest sector support, primarily in Rural areas?
Over 12,000 jobs nationwide
Q8 How can farm forests improve water quality in adjacent watercourses?
Soil stabilisation and reduce the leaching of Nutrients from agricultural soils
Q9 How can a new Forest Forest be designed to be aesthetically pleasing?
Blend and reflect the form of the land, minimise intrusive effects, Enhance visually
important natural features, avoid unnatural straight lines and geometric shapes, be of a
scale appropriate to the landform, Blend in visually with adjacent farmland, Become
increasingly irregular near watercourses and roads, Encourage diversity in tree species, age
and forest composition
Q10 Roads in Forestry sites should be located at least 50m from Aquatic zones,