Chapter Thirteen Flashcards
Person not a party to an action.
Third party
Ultimate facts of the case.
Written questions to be answered in writing and under oath.
Requests that opposition admit or deny under oath statements of fact opinion or application of law to fact.
Requests for admission
Oral testimony recorded by court reporter
Request for production of documents and tangible evidence or for entry into real property.
Document request
Medical examination of party upon request.
Independent medical examination
Process authorized by state code for discovery of expert identities and background
Expert discovery
Stratigic plan for discovery to be conducted during the litigation
Discovery plan
Limitation on trial evidence that it must relate to the issues in dispute.
Communications between participants to a relationship that as a result of public policy cannot be discovered.
Confidential communications between attorney and client in the process of providing legal advise.
Attorney client privilege
Work done by attorney or his assistants reflecting his mental impressions of the case.
Attorney work product
In state court termination of most discovery 30 days before trial.
30 day cutoff
In unlimited civil cases, limit of 35 of each type of written discovery; in limited civil cases limit of 35 aggregate discovery items.
Rule of 35