Chapter Test Flashcards
The word itself means “seperateness” It was a system of racial segregation in South Africa. It was enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP). 1948-1994 .
Affects of Apartheid
Rights of Blacks, coloureds, and other ethnical groups were curtailed. Economically workers were hired in large numbers however, treatment was bad, and their wages bad.
Apartheid Affects of daily life
If you were an african you have no rights outside your rural area. If you want to leave you have to get a pass so you could seek enployment. Always lived with the fear of being caught without your pass.
One of two groups that occupied the land that the Dutch settled on. The Khoi people were pastoralist. They lived in the deserts southwest tips of africa.
Cape Colony
First establishment by the Dutch people, never meant to have a colony. Cost cutting measures and profit concerns forced white settlers to turn to slavery.
Jan van Riebeeck
Arrived on April 6, 1652 on behalf of of the Dutch east india Company. His job was to establish the first European settlement at Cape of good Hope. He was ordered to cut cost so he layed of many men he brought with him. He granted each one a 28 acre farm on Khoisan grazing land.
Southern African ethnic groups decended from mainly Dutch settlers as well as other europeans. Means african in afrikaans.
Is a dutch based language that devoloped in the isolated setting of south africa.
People who came from the cape colony refered to themselves as Boers. An issolated rugged farming cultre. It took over the name of Afrikaner, Boer means farmer.
Were Boer farmers who slowly spread out from Cape town. Thy aquired land along the way. The lacked a goverment as they travled father and farther away the lost contact with European civalazation.
Orange Free state and Transvaal
when Afrikaners migrated North the migrated in independent republics. The orange freestate and Transvaal allowed them to perserve a society with clear color based distinctions.
Means “Time of troubles”. when trekboers expanded oiut of cape town they took land along the way. This land was already violently fought over by the ZuLu and other tribes. The Trekboers taking advantage of the temporarily availible land contributed to the violence.
Battle of Blood river
White settlers ran into the ZuLu people. Zulus were nice at first and granted some land to the white settlers. THE Zulus killed many white settlers, the Trekboers wanted revenge so they attacked the Zulu capitail. The trekboers won the battle and killed most of zulus.
National Party
1948 election gave the National Party power. They implemented many new laws.
Prohibition of Mixed marriages act
1949 said that whites and members of other racial groups could not marry.
Population registration act
1950 created three diffrent racial groups that all residents of South Africa would be assinged White, coloured, and asian.
Group areas act
1950 began the process of designating every inch of land of South Africa to one of the three official race groups. Forced people to live in things called townships
Suppression of Communism act
1950 definded communism so broadly that any resistance to apartheid coulld be classified as communism.
Natives Abolitation of passes and coordination of Documents act
1952 increases the amount of information that was required on passbooks.
Public saftey act
provided the framework for the goverment to declare states of emergency. It also outlined the process by which the police could assume emergency powers.
Promotion of Bantu Self Goverment Act
it established eight black Homelands or bantustans one for each tribal group. North Sotho, South Sotho, Swazi, Tsanga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, and Zulu. All blacks became citezens of each homeland.