Chapter summaries Flashcards
What is Chapter 1 called ?
The story of the door.
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 1?
Mr Utterson is introduced, taking a usual Sunday walk with his relative Mr Enfield. They see a battered door which leads Enfield to tell Utterson about a recent experience.Late night Enfield, sees a short man run in and trample on a little girl. The man runs off but Enfield goes to get him. The man lead the crowd to a battered door and came out with a Cheque which was signed by a respectful citizen Hyde. Enfield assumes Hyde is blackmailing the citizen and Enfield finds him disturbing.
What is Chapter 3 called ?
Dr Jekyll was quite at ease.
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 2?
Utterson reads over Jekyll’s Will. It says if Jekyll dies or disappears than Hyde shall take over his possessions and life. Utterson goes to meet Lanyon who knows Jekyll well but hasn’t seen him. They fell out many years ago. This is because Jekyll developed ideas that were Lanyon thought was not scientific. Utterson suffers some dreams and decides to meet Mr Hyde. He waits at door and sees Hyde. He finds him repulsive. Utterson then goes to Jekyll’s house and the servant Poole says they all have instructions to obey Hyde and that he has keys to Jekyll’s Lab. Utterson is convinced that Mr Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll. He decides to find out some secrets about Hyde so he can protect Jekyll.
What is Chapter 5 called ?
Incident of the letter
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 3?
Utterson goes to Jekyll’s House for a dinner party. He tries to discuss the will. Jekyll tires to change the subject to his dislike of Lanyon. He offers help to escape from Hyde. Jekyll refuses to talk about the subject claiming he can be rid of Hyde if he wants. He demands that if anything happens to him Utterson must look after Hyde’s interest. Utterson has no choice but to Agree.
What is Chapter 7 called?
Incident at the window
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 4?
The murder of Sir Danvers carrew by Hyde is revealed . A half broken walking stick and a letter addressed to Utterson were found by the body. Utterson identifies the Body as Carew. and goes with Police officer to Hyde’s rooms in the poor part of London. Utterson and Police officer search Hyde’s rooms and find out that his house has been recently ransacked and with ashes in the fire from burned papers. Also they find the other half of the
broken stick and a check book burned. They go to the bank and the Officer finds out that Hyde has several thousands of pounds.
What is Chapter 9 called?
Dr Lanyon’s narrative
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 5?
Utterson goes to visit Jekyll and finds him pale with shock and illness sitting in his cabinet, a room above laboratory. Jekyll says he has heard people talking about the Carew murder case and he assures Utterson that he will have no more of Hyde and is confident Hyde will disappear. Jekyll shows a letter signed by Hyde that he says was hand delivered. It thanks Jekyll for his past generosity. Utterson is relieved by the letter and regrets think that Hyde was blackmailing Jekyll. Utterson takes the letter and shows his head clerk. Mr Guest, who is a expert in hand writing. A servant comes with a note from Jekyll and compares Hyde’s letter and Mr Guest notices the handwriting is similar. Utterson leaps to conclusion that Jekyll forged the letter from Hyde by writing it himself.
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 6?
Although there is a large reward for Hyde, he has disappeared and Mr Jekyll is back to his old self being socialble and renewing frendship with Lanyon. Utterson is alarmed when Jekyll refuses to see him. Utterson vistis Lanyon and sees he has physically changed and is disturbed by something
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 6?
Although there is a large reward for Hyde, he has disappeared and Mr Jekyll is back to his old self being sociable and renewing friendship with Lanyon. Utterson is alarmed when Jekyll refuses to see him. Utterson visits Lanyon and sees he has physically changed and is disturbed by something. Lanyon refuses to talk about Jekyll and regards him as dead. Utterson writes a letter asking him why he wont seem him and Jekyll replies saying they will never see each offer again. Lanyon dies and receives a letter from Lanyon. There is a letter which is not to be opened until Jekyll dies or disappears. Utterson tries to visit Hyde again but he keeps turning him down. Poole tells Utterson that he spends more time in Cabinet and Lab now and seems unhappy.
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 7?
On another Sunday walk, Utterson tells Enfield that he saw Hyde and felt repulsed- much like Enfield said. Enfield says the fo
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 7?
On another Sunday walk, Utterson tells Enfield that he saw Hyde and felt repulsed- much like Enfield said. Enfield says the door is the rear entry to Jekyll’s Lab. The pair approach the door and step inside. They find Jekyll sitting at an upstairs window and they call him. They ask him to walk with them. Jekyll refuses. He claims his room isn’t fit for them to visit. They try to talk to him but a look of horror is on Jekyll’s face and he steps away from the window. Enfield and Utterson walked away with terror in different directions.
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 8?
Poole goes to visit Utterson. He says he fears that something is wrong with Jekyll. They go to the Laboratory. A voice refuses to let Utterson in. Poole thinks that Jekyll has been murdered. He heard him cry out- he also says the murderer is still in the cabinet. Poole sees a man who is short and wears a mask, he thinks its Hyde. Utterson and Poole break in the door and find the body of Hyde in clothes too big for him, twitching on the floor. Jekyll is nowhere to be found. They find an envelop addressed to Utterson. It contains a new will. It is a note telling him to read a letter from Lanyon, and then a long letter from Jekyll. Utterson goes home to read the documents.
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 9?
A letter from Lanyon
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 9?
A letter from Lanyon, including within it a letter from Jekyll to Lanyon. Jekyll’s letter asks Lanyon to leave everything he is doing and go to Jekyll’s house where Poole will be waiting to break into the cabinet. Lanyon has to find a particular drawer and take it home and wait for a visitor at midnight. Jekyll makes it clear that his life and sanity depends on this. Lanyon thinks he is mad. The drawer contains chemicals and a book with notes and dates. At midnight Hyde arrives. Lanyon is replused especially when Hyde touches his hands. Hyde mixes a potion with the chemicals. Hyde gives Lanyon an option
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 9?
A letter from Lanyon, including within it a letter from Jekyll to Lanyon. Jekyll’s letter asks Lanyon to leave everything he is doing and go to Jekyll’s house where Poole will be waiting to break into the cabinet. Lanyon has to find a particular drawer and take it home and wait for a visitor at midnight. Jekyll makes it clear that his life and sanity depends on this. Lanyon thinks he is mad. The drawer contains chemicals and a book with notes and dates. At midnight Hyde arrives. Lanyon is repulsed especially when Hyde touches his hands. Hyde mixes a potion with the chemicals. Hyde gives Lanyon an option to watch him take potion or to wait outside, Lanyon watches. Lanyon is horrified at the effect it has on Hyde. He is more shocked when Hyde transforms into Jekyll.
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 10?
Jekyll gives an account of his history. He began thinking about how a person is made up good and evil parts. Then he made a potion that could separate two. As soon as he changed into Hyde, he became aware of the evil inside of him. The evil thriled him so he took the potion again and turned back into Jekyll. He started taking potion reguarly but Hyde knew his limits. One day he had woken up as Hyde but didn’t take the potion. The tempetation became too strong so he took it again and Hyde killed Carrew. He dared not to take the potion again. He once again changed into Hyde unexpectedly so he arranged Lanyon to get the chemicals so he could change back again. As he changed more easily into Hyde he stayed more in his Cabinet and Lab. He ran out of salt and knew he would be Hyde forever. He wrote his last statement taking the last dose.
Give a summary of what happens in Chapter 10?
Jekyll gives an account of his history. He began thinking about how a person is made up good and evil parts. Then he made a potion that could separate two. As soon as he changed into Hyde, he became aware of the evil inside of him. The evil thrilled him so he took the potion again and turned back into Jekyll. He started taking potion regularly but Hyde knew his limits. One day he had woken up as Hyde but didn’t take the potion. The temptation became too strong so he took it again and Hyde killed Carew. He dared not to take the potion again. He once again changed into Hyde unexpectedly so he arranged Lanyon to get the chemicals so he could change back again. As he changed more easily into Hyde he stayed more in his Cabinet and Lab. He ran out of salt and knew he would be Hyde forever. He wrote his last statement taking the last dose.