chapter summaries Flashcards
chapter 1
red centre
chapter 2
bedroom, outfit, cora and rita
chapter 3
serena’s garden
chapter 4
nick, shopping partner, guardians
chapter 5
shops, reading, pregnancy, tourists
chapter 6
the church and the wall
chapter 7
moira, offred’s mother and daughter
chapter 8
luke, econowife, serena, “my” room
chapter 9
the previous handmaid’s message, luke
chapter 10
moira, FAITH
chapter 11
the doctor’s office
chapter 12
bath, offred’s daughter, cora and supper
chapter 13
red centre, janine, moira’s 1st escape, daughter
chapter 14
the ceremony, waiting, nick, the news
chapter 15
commander and serena, moira’s 1st escape
chapter 16
suffering, the ceremony, serena joy
chapter 17
butter, night
chapter 18
luke and his unknown future
chapter 19
the birth day
chapter 20
labour, janine, offred’s mother
chapter 21
chanting, flashbacks to offred’s daughter
chapter 22
moira’s second escape
chapter 23
scrabble and the commander
chapter 24
offred’s reaction, her mother and the interview about nazi germany
chapter 25
asleep, cora, serena gardens, visits the commander
chapter 26
the ceremony, contrast, serena, rachel and leah centre
chapter 27
shopping, black van
chapter 28
the rise of gilead, offred’s mother
chapter 29
the commander and the previous handmaid
chapter 30
luke kills the cat, authorities, praying in the red centre
chapter 31
ofglen, serena, cigarette, nick
chapter 32
offred gets a match, the commander
chapter 33
janine, red centre, moria’s 2nd escape
chapter 34
the next generation, the commander, prayvaganza
chapter 35
crossing the border with luke, love, offred’s daughter
chapter 36
the commander takes her out, clothing
chapter 37
jezebel’s, illegal outfit, contrast
chapter 38
moira and her survival story
chapter 39
the commander, hotel room, moira, offred’s mother
chapter 40
offred and nick’s first “encounter”
chapter 41
offred and nick’s relationship
chapter 42
the salvaging, red centre, aunt lydia reads
chapter 43
the particicution
chapter 44
ofglen is replaced, contrast
chapter 45
reflecting on ofglen’s death
chapter 46
offred imagines a way out