Chapter one: overview for audit and assurance Flashcards
Assurance services
Attestation and Audit
Audit Services characteristics
- An independent accounting firm takes the information prepared by someone else and then comparing it to an established set of criteria
- The independent accounting firm provides a written report about the services performed.
- The services add credibility, or integrity, to the information
Audit Services Provide:
Provide financial statement users:
1. an opinion on if the financial statements are presented fairly and following the financial reporting framework(GAAP)
2. an opinion on the effectiveness of internal controls.
Attestation services
- examination of financial forecast
- review of historical financial statements system and organization controls (SOC) report (outsourced accounting)
3.agreed-upon procedures.
Financial statement audits
Provide financial statement users with an opinion
1. presented fairly in accordance with GAAP
2. free of material misstatement
3. prepared in a consistent manner from prior years
Limitations of an audit
- the nature of financial reporting
- the nature of audit procedures
- need for a timely audit
the ability of information to influence decisions
Demand for Audit and assurance services
- remoteness
- complexity
- competing incentives
- reliability
Preparers responsibility
- preparing the financial statement in accordance to GAAP
- Designing, implementing, and maintaining internal controls.
- Providing the auditors with access to all records, documentation, and personnel relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements
Auditors responsibility
- conducting the audit in accordance to GAAS
- planning and performing the audit with professional skepticism
- planning and performing the audit with professional judgement
Securities and Exchange commision (SEC)
The SEC is a federal government agency whose mission is to protect investors, maintain fair and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formations.
Public company accounting oversight board (PCAOB)
The PCAOB, established in 2002 through the Sox regulation, overseas audits of public companies to safeguard investor interest
- makes GAAS
-sets standards and can penalize
- deals only with public companies
American institute of certified public accountants (AICPA)
- Deals with auditing private companies
- in charge of CPA exam
Financial accounting standards board (FASB)
Creates financial accounting standards
- created gaap
-cannot give penalties
reasonable assurance
a high, but not absolute, level of assurance
4 types of opinions on financial statement audits
- unqualified clean
- qualified
- adverse
- disclaimer of opinion
3 types of opinions for internal controls
1.unqualified clean
3. disclaimer of opinion
Persuasively material departures
adverse opinion- financial statements are not presented fairly
pervasively material scope limitations
disclaimer of opinion- auditor was not able to gather enough evidence
basis for opinion
management and auditors responsibilites
scope paragraph
process of conducting an audit