Chapter one Flashcards
- To believe in the possibility that what one wants can actually happen
- -The complete loss or absence of hope (mortal sin)
Radical individualism: Feeling that everyone should help themselves or to be left to fail - is intrinsically sinful
Four possible, radical individualism: Apathy, Laziness, Corrupted Justice, Necessary evil
Enlightened self-interest
Wanting to help the suffering because we are really helping ourselves in the end
Three primary reasons: Long-term benefit, Consequentialism, Expectation of reciprocity
–Always have their best interest at heart
Desire to ease the suffering of others, even when there is no net benefit to oneself.
Latin: Compatio - To suffer with
In Hebrew wombs: Biblically compassion was compared to the feeling a mother had for her unborn child
Compassion + Hope = Commitment to ease suffering (love)
Love, (God)
Is to will good for another
God is love: He brought everything into the world and made it so that it was in harmony with all creation, and there was abundant goodness
When humans fail to love God, the result is disorder, destruction and suffering
Opposite of love
Seeking things for oneself in a way that ignores the good of others and causes suffering
Three Attributes that God made
Human diginity
To love and be loved
Free will
Human Dignity
The basic goodness of human beings that comes from always being loved by God
To Love and Be loved
Human beings are not created to be alone
Made to be united with all other people through love
Made to have intimate friendship with God, if we do not have the relationship with God we feel emptiness that cannot be filled by other things
State of perfect communion with the Holy Trinity, this is when we are united with God
Free Will
Human beings have been created with the ability to choose what to do
Free will is necessary in order to love without freedom we cannot love
Also have the free will to cause suffering, that is not love
Garden of Eden/ The Fall
Adam and Eve have a close relationship with God. They receive God’s goodness in abundance
The fall: Adam and Eve chose not to live in love. Betray friendship with Go so that they can decide themselves what is right and wrong, they chose to live selfishly
1: The Separation (Adam and Eve)
Their Own Goodness
1:Their own goodness: They became of their own nakedness and were embarrassed. They tried to become something they were not, and failed to respect their own human dignity
(2) The Separation (Adam and Eve)
God: Adam and Eve hide themselves from the presence of The Lord. Living without God results in suffering and death
3:The Separation (Adam and Eve)
Other People
Other People: God confronts them and they do not take responsibility for what they did. Adam blames eve and eve blames the serpent, they are separated from each other
4: The Separation (Adam and Eve)
Creation: Adam and Eve do not live in peace with the animal world. Animals and humans fight each other. After “the fall” people have to work hard for food
Original Sin
Rejection of their own humanity as created in God’s image is original sin. It is a separation from God, from one’s self, from other people and from creation. It is something humans are born into
Personal Sin
A choice to do a wrongful action or omission. It betrays a loving relationship with God, others or creation
Transforming the love of God. God is working to restore creation to its original goodness
-Feeling that issues of human suffering are too overwhelming to be dealt with
3 Incarnations: Insignificance, powerlessness, fear
Mosaic Law
613 Mitzvot
Heart of all Jewish and Christian Law
613 Mitzvot
Ethical decalogue: Official name for Ten Commandments
–Various laws contained in the carrying books of the Pentateuch
God sent them to call people back who abandoned him
Little self-confidence. God seems to chose lowly meek people to send his message
Common theme: Connection between love of God and love of neighbor
Establishment of loving relationship among human beings and God, creation, so that life can flourish in the way God intends
–A condition in which people have put obstacles in the way of loving relationships, thus preventing life from flourishing as God intends
God becoming a human in the person of Jesus Christ
Kingdom of God
Love of God is impossible without love of neighbor