Chapter One Flashcards
Assumption coding
Inappropriate assignment of codes, based on assuming from a review of clinical evidence in the patient’s record, that the patient has certain diagnoses, or receive certain procedures/services, even though the provider did not specifically document those diagnosis or procedures/services.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS)
Administrative agency in the federal department of health and human services.
Classification system
see coding system
Clinical documentation improvement
Helps ensure accurate and thorough. Patient record documentation and identifies discrepancies between provider documentation and codes to be assigned.
Clinical documentation integrity
See clinical documentation improvement
CMS – 1450
See UB – 04
CMS – 1500
Claim submitted by physicians offices to third-party payers
Numerical and alpha numerical characters that are reported to health plans for healthcare reimbursement and to external agencies (e.g., state departments of health) for data collection, in addition to being reported internally (e.g., acute care hospital) for education and research.
Acquires a working knowledge of coding systems (e.g., CPT, HCPCS,Level II, ICD-10-CM, and ICD-10-PCS), coding principles and rules, government regulations, and third-party payer requirements to ensure that all diseases, injuries, reasons for an encounter, services (e.g., office visit), and procedures (e.g., surgery and x-ray) documented in patient records are coded accurately for reimbursement, research, and statistical purposes.
Assignment of codes to diagnosis, services and procedures, based on patient record documentation
Coding system
Organizes and medical nomenclature , according to similar conditions, diseases, procedures, and services it contains codes for each
Computer assisted coding CAC
Uses computer software to automatically generate medical codes by reading transcribed clinical documentation uses natural language processing theories to generate codes that are reviewed and validated by codes for reporting on third-party payer claims
Concurrent coding
Review of records and use of encounter forms and charge masters to assign codes during an inpatient stay, or an outpatient encounter typically performed for outpatient encounters because encounter forms and charge masters are completed in real time by healthcare providers is part of the charge capture process
Current procedural terminology CPT
Codeine system used by physicians and outpatient healthcare settings to assign CPT codes for reporting procedures and services on health. Insurance claims considered level one of the healthcare, common procedure coding system, HCP, C,S, and published and updated by the American medical association, AMA to classify procedures and services, listing of descriptive terms and identifying codes for reporting medical services and procedures provides uniform language that describes medical surgical and diagnostic services to facilitate communication among providers patients and third-party payers.
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, DSM
Manual, published by the American psychiatric Association that contains diagnostic assessment criteria used as tools to identify psychiatric disorders. DSM includes psychiatric disorders and codes provides a mechanism for communicating and recording diagnostic information and is used in the areas of research and statistics statistics.
Routinely assigning lower level CPT codes for convenience instead of reviewing patient record documentation and the coding manual to determine the proper code to be reported
Software that automates the coding process, software search, features facilitate the location and verification of diagnosis and procedure codes
Process of standardizing data by assigning mean, new numeric values, codes, or numbers to text or other information
Evidence based coding
Clicking on codes that CAC software generates to review electronic health record, documentation used to generate the code when it is determined that the documentation supports the CAC generated code. The coding auditor clicks to accept the code. When documentation does not support the CAC generator code, the coding monitor replaces it with the accurate code.
Evidence verification coding
See evidence based coding
HCPCS level two
Coding system managed by the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, CMS that classifies medical equipment, injectable, drugs, transportation services, and other services not certified in the CPT
HCPCS national codes
See HCPCS level two
Healthcare common procedure coding system, HCPCS
Includes level, one codes, CPT and level two codes HCPCS level two national codes
Health insurance, portability, and accountability act of 1996 HIPPAA
Federal legislation that amended the internal revenue code of 1986 to improve portability and connectivity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, come back waste fraud abuse, and health insurance and healthcare delivery promote the use of medical savings account and prove access to long-term care and services and coverage simplify the administration of health insurance by creating unique identifiers for providers health plans, employers create standards for electronic health, information transactions and create privacy, security standards for health information
Institutional coding
Capture severity of illnesses, ICD – 10, CM and intensity of services ICD – 10 – PCS, both of which are used to justify an inpatient facility admission
Internal classification of diseases for oncology, third edition, ICD – 0–3
Implemented in 2001 to classify tumor according to primary site, topography and morphology, histology behavior and aggression of tumor