Chapter III (Of Punishments) Flashcards
Section - 53
Section - 53A
Construction of reference to transportation
Section - 54
Commutation of sentence of death
Section - 55
Commutation of sentence of imprisonment for life
Section - 55A
Definition of appropriate Government
Section - 56
[Titled Sentence of Europeans and Americans to penal servitude, proviso as to sentence for term exceeding ten years but not for life repealed by the Criminal Law (Removal of Racial Discriminations) Act, 1949, w.e.f. 6th. April, 1949]
Section - 57
Fractions of terms of punishment
Section - 58
[Titled Offenders sentenced to transportation how dealt with until transported repealed by the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1955, w.e.f. 1st. January, 1956]
Section - 59
[Titled Transportation instead of imprisonment repealed by the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1955, w.e.f. 1st. January, 1956]
Section - 60
Sentence may be (in certain cases of imprisonment) wholly or partly rigorous or simple
Section - 61
[Titled Sentence of forfeiture of property repealed by the Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Act, 1921]
Section - 62
[Titled Forfeiture of property in respect of offenders punishable with death, transportation or imprisonment repealed by the Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Act, 1921]
Section - 63
Amount of fine
Section - 64
Sentence of imprisonment for non-payment of fine
Section - 65
Limit to imprisonment for non-payment of fine, when imprisonment and fine awardable
Section - 66
Description of imprisonment for non-payment of fine
Section - 67
Imprisonment for non-payment of fine, when offence punishable with fine only
Section - 68
Imprisonment to terminate on payment of fine
Section - 69
Termination of imprisonment on payment of proportional part of fine
Section - 70
Fine leviable within six years or during imprisonment-Death not to discharge property from liability
Section - 71
Limit of punishment of offence made up of several offences
Section - 72
Punishment of person guilty of one of several offences, the judgment stating that it is doubtful of which
Section - 73
Solitary confinement
Section - 74
Limit of solitary confinement
Section - 75
Enhanced punishment for certain offences under Chapter XII or Chapter XVII after previous conviction