Chapter II Flashcards
Managerial decision-making challenges
- –large amounts of information
- – sophisticated analysis techniques
- – decisions quickly
The six-step decision-making process --- identification --- collection Solution --- Solution --- Solution --- Solution ---
Problem Data Generation Test Selection Implementation
—- —-: Define the problem as clearly and precisely as possible.
Problem Identification
—- —-: Gather problem-related data, including who, what, where, when, why, and how. Be sure to gather facts, not rumors or opinions about the problem.
Data Collection
—- —-: Detail every solution possible, including ideas that seem farfetched.
Solution Generation
— —: Evaluate solutions in terms of feasibility(can it be completed), suitability(permanent or temporary fix), and acceptability(can all participants form a consensus).
Solution Test
—- —-:Select the solution that best solves the problem and meets the needs of the business.
Solution Selection
—- —-: If the solution solves the problem, then the decisions made were correct. If not, then the decisions were incorrect and the process begins again.
Solution Implementation
— level: Unstructured Decisions: Managers develop overall business strategies, goals, and objectives as part of the company’s strategic plan.
Strategic Level
—: Semi structured Decisions; Employees are continuously evaluating company operations to hone the firm’s abilities to identify, adapt to, and leverage change.
Managerial Level
— —: Structured Decisions; Employees develop, control and maintain core business activities required to run the day-to-day operations
Operational Level
— decisions - Situations where established processes offer potential solutions
—decisions – Occur in situations in which a few established processes help to evaluate potential solutions, but not enough to lead to a definite recommended decision
—- decision making – Managers develop overall strategies, goals, and objectives
- – A temporary activity a company undertakes to create a unique product, service, or result